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Stiles it has been 2 weeks now and nothing Malia hasn't woken up. And now Lydia knows what really is happening with Malia. Nothing has really happened beside Malia being in a comma . I am sitting in the waiting room in the hospital as all the light turn off. Then 3 big guys with masks come in. Then they come directed at me then I hear someone scream my name. Then out of nowhere Malia comes running fighting of the 3 big guys. Then they leave then Malia falls on my arms she has opened up her stitches. Then she stars bleeding all over me I take her to the emergency room. I can't let Malia get into another comma. I need her to be with me I need her. Then Melissa comes and tell me what happened then I tell her everything. Then they take Malia back in.

Melissa POV

We need to get Malia more stitches since she opened up her last stitches. The only thing I wonder is how did she get out of her comma state. Then as we we were done with the back stitches the machine started beeping. I can't let Malia die so I bring the defibrillator. Then at the 3rd time I get Malia back but she had woken up and  her eyes were glowing not blue but purple. Then the rest of doctors were just speechless. Then Malia just runs out of the room. She ran directly to stiles. She just hugged him.

Stiles POV

Out of nowhere Malia comes running and hugs me. Then I see that her cut had healed both back and front. I was so happy to see her like this but she needs to get checked first.  

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