Just The Way You Are

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And as we went out, I saw her once more.

Her father came over to pick her up from school and immediately they drove home.

The next day was just the same thing.

More teachers came and introduced theirselves and repetitively we introduced ourselves too. By the end of the class, we already knew each other because of these tedious introductions and became friends.....on Facebook apparently -_-

This time, there were assignments. *Sigh*, I said to myself. "Oh well, I guess it really is time for school again".

I often disliked having to do assignments. I would rather do a ton load of chores than do one assignment. She on the other hand, didn't mind doing some homework and was always ready every time it was to be handed down to the teacher.

I wanted her to be my friend, not a Facebook kind of friend but a real one in the real world.

But I couldn't do it. Every time I tried to walk up to her I tend to stop and walk away. I would talk to my friends for advice but still I couldn't do it. Still I was shy of talking to her.

It was until one day, our teacher in English class, made groupings and unexpectedly, we were both in the same group.

So, yeah, it was quite a shock for me. But "Hey, it can't be that bad, can it?" I thought to myself and just grinned at my group mates while we were doing the activity.

While doing the activity, I took my friends' advice and used the opportunity to go and talk to her so that she would finally be my friend.

"Uhm, hi Cecilia! From what school did you come from?" I said.

"Aizosan Elementary-High School" She said.

"Oh, okay :)"...

"And you?"...

"Uh, I came from Anna-Suzie Elementary-Highschool"...


"Hey, I heard that you were always the valedictorian in class there. That must be very awesome."...

"Thanks. You're smart too you know."...

"Nah, I only became a valedictorian once in my school. But you, you were always the valedictorian in yours...
Ok. So, what brings you here to DSHS?"...

"Well, like most students, I want to graduate as a scholar so that I can fulfill my dream of being a mathematician and so that I can be able to help my family."...

"Wow, that's nice. So you like mathematics a lot?...

"Yes, I do."...

"Wow, you really are intelligent Cecilia."...

"Thanks, you too, you know."...

...  ...  ...  ...  ...

"Uhm, Cecilia...wanna be friends?"...

"Sure, why not?"...

"No, I don't mean a Facebook kind of friend but a 'friend' kind of friend"...

"I know that"...

"Really? *whispers out a silent 'yes!'* Nice :D It's a pleasure to meet you Cecilia :)"...

"Sure Cedric, you too :)"...

...  ...  ...  ...  ...

"Whoo! Yesss, I did it! :D" I thought to myself after the conversation.

I have successfully become friends with Cecilia.

After the activity, I went to my friends to tell them about this and they were happy with that.

"Nice one Cedric!" said Aaron.

"Haha, good luck dude :)" said Ryan.

"Alright, what do you think I should do next?" I said.

"Just keep talking to her bro. Eventually she'll fall if you keep doing that." said Aaron.

"By the way, why do you like her? What's with Cecilia that makes you so fond of her?" said Ryan.

"I don't know man. I know that she has this weird brace on her body and a little squeaky voice but yeah, she~ um ~ ugh. I just don't know why :/" I said.

"It's okay man. Love is blind indeed :)" said Ryan.

... ... ... ... ...

~Ok, yeah, chapter 2 isn't quite as long as expected and it's a bit corny too but if you wait a bit, I promise to make some changes to it and again, if you have any suggestions, please don't be shy to tell me about it, thanks!! :D
Keep an eye for chapter 3! 👌👌👌

               ~~To Be Continued~~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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