After School

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           Unique walked out of the building and found Lance Alvers tormenting a small squirrel. Unique walked over and picked it up in her soft hands and held it with a comforting essence.

           “Lance! What do you think you're doing?” Unique asked him. Lance looked up in surprise. “I’m sorry about him. He doesn’t quite know what he's doing.” Unique told the squirrel kindly. The squirrel squeaked back something to her in reply. “Yes, I agree. He does need to grow up a bit.” Lots of squeaks followed as a strange conversation took place. “Alright, a lot. He needs to grow up a lot.” Squeak, squeak, squeakedy, squeakers. “I understand that. Yes, but even so, he is, uh, misguided in his reasoning for his actions. It does not mean that he needs pain inflicted upon him at this moment.” Lance’s expression changed to another surprised look. More squeaks. “Alright, well how about some leftover lunch? Would that make up for a bit? I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some crumpets, if you would like to join me.” An excited squeak. “Fantastic!” Unique said. She walked away, but not noticingly dropped her locket in the excitement..

Lance watched her walk off in wonder, and stared down at the ground as he realized that Unique had dropped her locket. He bent down and picked it up, then opened it as carefully as his man hands would allow. He saw the picture of Logan on the right side of it, but didn't bother to look at the left, because he was too busy being surprised. Surprised because he knew that man. He knew Logan, and he knew what Unique was even though she didn't know it herself. He knew that she was a mutant, and he knew her father. He grinned an evil smirk as his deleterious mind set to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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