"Why would you ask me that?" I start picking at my nails, trying to avoid the topic of my love life with my little sister.

"That's what Daisy told me, I didn't believe her but I only wanted to make sure," Prim responds. I nod and give her a smile even though the entire time I'm wondering if others have been as brazen in saying they don't believe I love Peeta. I give her head a pat and we walk through Victors Village to the school. When we get there, a teacher spots me.

"Katniss Everdeen! Would there be any chance you could speak about The Hunger Games in front of my class? It would be amazing to have someone who experienced it." The teacher asks me with a plastered smile on her face. Speak about the Games? I've been trying to escape the games. I'm certain the way I would speak about the Games would end up with me on the wrong side of a noose but instead, I give a sad smile and look at Prim.

Prim looks taken back, having surely heard my nightmares knowing I have no desire to relive the events anymore so awake than I do when I am asleep.

"No, I'm sorry I am just so caught up with Peeta I'm not sure I'll be able to focus on preparing my speech." Two birds, one stone.

"Oh, um, okay!" The teacher looks taken back, her small eyes and mouth curling in annoyance or shock. I can't help but wonder what kind of accent it is that she has because it is not quite 12 but not quite Capitol either. Certainly nothing like Effie's voice which is several octaves too high.

"Bye Prim." I kiss her head and walk off. I can feel all the students and teachers eyes on me. I try to ignore them as I escape to the woods. I may not need the food now, but Gale's family does. Despite the fact that I could buy it I know they would never accept purchased food from me.

Gale works in the mines now the only time I see him is on Sunday. He doesn't like that I give them most of the game I catch. His mother doesn't mind, though. Gale didn't show up when I got home from the fest or any other event. Rory told me he was hunting, which probably wasn't a lie. 

When we finally saw each other after the Games and events, he tried to kiss me. I shoved him back and for some reason, he looked bewildered, like that would have been something we would have done before. The argument after was full of name-calling and screaming, neither of us playing nice. While scaring off all of the nearby game. Ever since he's respected my boundaries, knowing that where Peeta is concerned I won't budge and that it's in his and his family's best interest to stay out of it.

 I go to his house though and give the game to his mother, Hazelle.

"Thank you," I say after she gets me a cup of tea.

"It'll make a nice stew." She comments.

"Nice pelt too. I've got to go," my mind is already half in a train car listening to the sound of the engine and the pool of dread in my stomach.

Hazelle wraps me in a hug. "Enjoy the food."

"I will," I say. I walk into the hob. It still feels weird to step in with an empty game bag and instead have my pockets sag with the weight of coins. I try to spread my money around. Gale told me that they set up money to sponsor Peeta and me.

It may have been the smallest thing, but for all I know, it was the difference between life and death. I get some soup from Sae. Then Darius comes up and says, "aren't you supposed to be on a train now?"

Darius may be a peacekeeper, but he is friendly and commonly good for a joke. "They come to collect me at noon."

"Well show some pride for District 12, Ms. Everdeen." He says then goes to join his friends by the door.

"I want that bowl back!" Sae shouts at him, but she doesn't sound unusually stern since she is laughing.

"Bye Sae," I hug her.

"I know you don't like it but you have to go through it to get to the end of it," Sae advises.

"Thank you," I say and leave, thinking maybe the old lady does have some wisdom. I walk to Haymitch's house, covering my nose just before I walk in. It stinks of neglect, and the floor has so much trash and waste on it I can barely walk to him without breaking my neck, it is almost unimaginable how he does it drunk. Often I wonder if it's some kind of trap for someone but I'm not sure who in 12 besides Peeta and I would dare to come in. Somehow I find Haymitch. He's laying passed out on a chair with a knife in his hand.

"Haymitch, wake up," I say, shaking his shoulder for the fifth time.

I get tired of trying it the easy way. I fill a bucket full of ice water and dump it on him. He wakes up cutting the air with his knife killing his opponent or nonexistent intruder. I step back.

"Why am I wet?" His eyes nearly pop out of their sockets, and he snarls at me menacingly. I drop the bucket that I was hiding behind my back on the floor.

"I couldn't shake you awake."

"What are you doing here?" He asks glaring at me as if he could kill me with his eyes.

"You asked me to wake up an hour before the cameras came," I gesture towards the door.

"Asked you to wake me without giving me pneumonia," Haymitch mumbles, raising his eyebrows and staring at the floor.

"Well, Peeta! Your girlfriend just dropped a bucket of water on me to wake me up. Remember this so when she wakes you up, you can say you were warned." Haymitch looks dead serious as if he is truly giving Peeta a warning. Most mornings, I kiss Peeta awake, but we sure aren't telling Haymitch that. I turn around, and Peeta is standing there I smile and walk over to him.

"Oh no Haymitch that is a special wake-up call for you alone."

"Couldn't at least pretend to be nice to old people who helped you survive?" Haymitch says giving me a look.

"Obviously not but only to you Haymitch. I've got to go home." I say giving Peeta a quick kiss on the lips.

"See you two later," I say and walk home across the lawn. When I walk in my Mother is standing there with shrinking pupils.

"Someone is here to talk to you." She says calmly but quietly. It isn't till then that I notice the peacekeeper behind her.

"Right this way Ms. Everdeen." The peacekeeper says. He leads me into the study. There is someone at the desk where my mother does the bills, and Prim does her homework. I can't put my finger on who until he puts the book down. It's President Snow. It must have been crucial for him to come all the way here. I gulp in fear.

"Hello, Ms. Everdeen." He says.

THANK YOU FOR READING!!! It's the 1st chapter which you know, but I'm new at Fan-Fics, so tell me what you think! If it is good, I'm glad you like it! If it is terrible, tell me, and I'll see what I can do! Let me know if you find mistakes! Thank you for listening to me and reading my story! ~K.D. Howell

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