Chapter 9: Between Friends

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Dani wanted to spend the rest of the day alone. But fate had other plans. She ran into Kyle in a shopping district.

"What a surprise to find you - alone," Kyle said, as he and Dani approached each other on the sidewalk. "What happened to your friends?"

"Change of plans," Dani said.

There was a smile on her face, but Kyle sensed that something was wrong. "What happened?" Kyle asked.

Dani walked over to a nearby bench and sat. Kyle followed suit. Dani sighed and started to relay the story of the morning's events. When she was done telling him, the happy expression had left his face, and she felt even worse for being a downer.

"What happened after you walked out?" Kyle asked. "What did Archer do?"

"I haven't seen him since," Dani said. "It's all so stupid, because I shouldn't have even been there with him in the first place."

"Dani, it's not like you can predict the future," Kyle said. "You told me this morning that it wasn't like that between the two of you. How could you have known what was going to happen?"

Dani shook her head. "We both know that I was kidding myself and you when I said that. It was plain as day to you what was happening, so I definitely should have known better...what happened is for the best, anyway, given the situation we're in."

"Look - don't let this whole thing put a damper on your vacation," Kyle said. "It's better that this happened now rather than later on, when things would likely have been much more emotionally complicated."

Dani nodded and said, "You're right."

"There's a beach party tonight not far from the hotel," Kyle said. "You should come. It'll be a great way to have some fun and let off some steam."

Dani smiled for the first time that day since the incident in the caves. "Okay. Drop by my hotel room. We can walk over together."

They both stood. "I'm meeting Travis and Malcolm at the marina for a boating lesson," Kyle said. "You want to join me?"

"No, I think I'll hang around here and do some shopping."

"You sure? I hate to leave you alone."

"It's fine. I promise. I kind of want to be alone right now anyway."

Kyle nodded. "See you tonight, then," he said.

Dani nodded, and Kyle started to walk away. "Kyle?" Kyle stopped and turned to Dani again. "I'm really glad we found each other again."

Kyle chuckled. "Me too. I wish we hadn't had to take a trip to the 22nd Century to do it, though."

"Yeah," Dani said. "But still..."

Her words trailed, but she was sure Kyle understood. She was glad he was back in her life. He nodded and smiled again, before turning and walking away.

It was only a few minutes before Dani found a store she liked, and she believed her day actually had a chance of ending better than it had begun. But turns out that her optimism was to be short-lived. Only minutes after she entered the shop, T'Pol surfaced again. She had appeared in front of Dani as she turned from one rack of clothing, intending to move on to another.

"Sub-Commander," Dani said. She was a little perplexed. One of the last places she expected to find T'Pol was a shop.

"Commander," T'Pol said, her gaze seemingly assessing Dani.

"Is there something I can do for you, Sub-Commander?" Dani asked.

"As a matter of fact, there is," T'Pol said.

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