Chapter 5: Rumors

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"I think they're spies," Travis Mayweather announced. He sat at a table in the mess hall with Hoshi Sato and Malcolm Reed.

"Spies?" Hoshi asked. "For who?"

"Well, maybe not spies," Travis backtracked. "But maybe some kind of observers from Starfleet?"

"What makes you think they aren't who they say they are?" Reed asked. "And besides, why would Starfleet want to observe us?"

"Are you kidding?" Travis asked. "The first warp-five ship? Starfleet probably wants to see how we're handling things, especially since the mission has been bumpier than everyone anticipated."

"Kind of like how Sub-Commander T'Pol is here as an observer for the Vulcans," Hoshi said. "Come to think of it, I did think it was strange that we picked up two new crewmembers all they way out here. I mean, it'd make sense if they were high ranking officers or something, but two crewmen? What two crewmen would be so important that Starfleet sends them all the way out here so that Enterprise can pick them up? Wouldn't it make more sense to wait until we go back to Earth?"

"Exactly," Travis said.

"But why this whole ruse, with them pretending to be crewmen?" Malcolm asked. "Why feel the need to hide, why not just announce why they're here in the open?"

"Because they want to see how we perform when we're not under a microscope," Travis answered.

Hoshi started to guide a forkful of food to her mouth but suddenly hesitated. "What if they don't like what they see? Would they recall us back to Earth?"

Travis and Malcolm exchanged uneasy glances. "I don't think it would get to that point," Malcolm said. "If our visitors find anything lacking in our operations, I'm sure they'll pass their concerns on to Starfleet, who will then offer their directives for improvement."

The conversation ceased as soon as Kyle and Dani approached, but they'd gotten somewhat used to that happening, as it had begun happening almost immediately after they'd first appeared among the crew. No official introduction or explanation for their presence had been given. They'd simply been 'picked up' from a cargo ship they'd rendezvoused with, which, of course, generated lots of gossip and rumors on a ship containing only about 90 crew. It actually worked to Kyle and Dani's advantage. If no one knew who they were or where they'd come from or exactly why, and several rumors were flying, it would be less likely that anyone would be able to guess the truth. They would remain a mystery to everyone.


Archer wasn't oblivious to what his crew thought of their two newest crew mates. He'd heard the chatter in the corridors and on the bridge, so he had an idea of what the general sentiment was. However, no one, not even his senior officers, had brought their inquiries directly to him. He was beginning to wonder if they ever would.

Then the door to his ready room chimed. "Come in," he said, looking up from his computer monitor at the door.

The door slid open open, and T'Pol stepped in.

"Good morning, Sub-Commander," Archer greeted.

"Captain," T'Pol said. The door slid closed behind her.

"What can I do for you this morning?" Archer asked.

"Are you aware of the rumors circulating concerning our two newest crew members?" T'Pol asked.

"You mean Crewmen Janeway and Hicks," Archer said. "I've heard a few rumblings. Care to elaborate on what you've heard?"

"The most popular rumors suggest that they are Starfleet observers sent to evaluate the crew's performance," T'Pol began. "Presumably to determine if Enterprise should be allowed to continue its mission. According to other rumors, they are spies who are here to 'hide out' until the next phase of their mission is set to begin. Still, others say that they are prisoners and that they are being transported to a penal colony."

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