Franks POV

I've found that while I drifted to sleep, I pondered the CDs more than I had. Was I connecting to this person I knew nothing of? Could I possibly be falling in love?

No. Not that. Most certainly not that.

Love has never been my strong suit. When I fall, I fall hard, no matter the consequences. But it's not okay. I've had my heart broken to ever even consider loving someone now, especially someone I've never met-

Oh wow. Too deep. It's three AM. Stop thinking.

But I can't.

I sigh, rolling over to the other side of the bed.

Who is this boy? Why did he go out of his way and hide all these CDs?

This person intrigued me with his taste of music and personality I didn't even know. He just seems so...interesting. We seem to connect in so many ways I didn't even know yet.

I keep shutting my eyes, paying attention to the whir of my box fan. It's a calming white noise, numbing my thoughts.

I pay attention to my breath too, oh how some people wish they couldn't breath at all. They wish they could fall into a breathless sleep forever. Oh, how I wish I could help them, to reach out to them.

I can't sleep.

There's only one thing to do.

And that's to get another CD.

I know i shouldn't. But I have to. I can't sleep. I'm losing sleep over someone I don't even know. Am I insane?


I can't just fucking go out to the observatory because
1. It's 3 AM
2. It's New Jersey

Not the smartest move.

I sigh. "Fuck it. I'm doing it" I pull myself up from the bed, ready to finish this search.

I walk to the door, blinking my eyes to get use to the dark of the apartment. My eyes dart from the others doors to see if anyone else is awake before I sneak down the stairs.

Once I carefully closed the door, I ran to my car, jumping in and starting the ignition.

This is a terrible idea.

Why am I doing this?

For him.

For him?

Him. It's always him. This person, this boy. The boy who's driving me insane, and I can't help but dying to meet him.

I steer my car to the building, gripping the steering wheel.

Okay, I'm doing this.

I'm scared. I'm not gonna lie. I'm horrified. What secrets are there for me? Do I know this person? Why the fuck haven't I picked up the book on stonewall?

Oh shit.

I haven't started taking notes.


I'm starting to think the way Pete thinks about dates. Always questioning, always worrying.

I do NOT want to be a Pete.

Maybe I can even find the Stonewall books in there. Hah, no. I need to get the CD and get out of the library without getting arresting for breaking and entering.

I park in the back so no one notices my car. I take out the keys and turn off the car, stepping out the door. The air was chilly, my lungs taking it in and releasing it out in a deep breath.

Let's go.

I start retreating to the building, looking for a door. Front doors were too risky, because before I noticed security camera at the corners.

I breathed out, noticing my white breath turn into nothing. If only there's a way-

A window.

It has to be a god damn window.

A window seven feet high was popped open, almost taunting me to climb in. I groan quietly, trying to come up with a way to climb in.

Fuck it, I think. My feet scrape the brick walls, trying to get a grasp on it. I jump up, my hands clinging to the ledge. Yes! I-

My feet slip, causing my legs to dangle off the window. I let out a yelp, and try to get my feet back on.

I manage to squirm up, resting my torso on the ledge. It hurt, the plastic side cutting into my chest, but I wiggled up, lifting up my legs to swings over the side.

I hold my breath, jumping down to the maroon carpet, hoping I don't break any bones.

I can tell I'm going to have a hard time. Im in a dark library in the hopes of making it to the observatory without breaking anything.

Hm. A dark place filled with knowledge.

Sounds like my brain.

The observatory was connected to the library. It was a dome-shaped building, with glass on the ceiling. I rarely went in there, and when I did, it was usually just looking around in my free time.

My eyes adjusted to the dark inside the library, I can't risk turning on the lights anyways.

I know where I am. By the shelves that are stocked of cheesy romance and that Fifty Shades of Grey book.


I shook my head and slowly walked to the observatory, looking at the books and tables. It seemed so.. Peaceful. So calm and relaxing. My nerves weren't as tense as they were.

Soon, after multiple arguments in my mind about how I could be arrested for this, I found the observatory. A big arch as a door led into the room. My eyes glanced at the books and expensive telescopes that were placed on the sides.

I gasped, my eyes trailing up at the ceiling. There were hundreds and hundreds of stars. Constellations dotted the skies, the moonlight glowing and giving this room life. If only I known about this sight sooner-

The CD.

I turned around, nervously looking around for the plastic case.

I walk around, trying to find it, when suddenly, I feel myself step on something plastic.

I look down.

A CD sits under my foot. No cover art of any sort, just the neatly written words "Ryan Ross- Lonely moonlight"

I know Ryan. He's a shy boy with big brown eyes and a small voice. And an extreme love for Brendon Urie.

Just one song, huh. Lonely Moonlight.

The title seemed to fit the scenery. Seeing how the moonlight spilled into the observatory and glazed the floor and walls.

I smiled in victory. Without thinking, I cracked open the case and checked inside. Besides the disc was a piece of paper with scribbled writing.

"Oh, you've made it here, huh. Someone is still curious about my existence?

The next address is at Belleville Hospital, you'll find the next CD by the Cancer Awareness booth. Donate too, thanks. ~G.A.W"

Hospital. Okay.

But the letter..?

His writing seemed to get more depressing and less "energetic." It seems as if he's falling apart bit by bit, realizing there's no reason to put emotion into the letters.

I took in a sharp breath.

Time to climb out.

Long lost chapter!! Woo!! I hope you guys enjoy this, and if not, go to agenderfrank 's page and check out ignominy, a story were both working on!

- Isabel and Christina

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