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Frank's POV

Stupid college. Stupid research project. Stupid Amazon. Why is it that they carry children's build a bomb kits but not a book on the stonewall riots? And what in God's name makes me think I can find it in a library?

Hundreds upon hundreds of hardcover and paperback books were stacked on the shelves. My eyes shifted upon them, looking for this stupid book I needed. Though the Stonewall Riots were pretty serious, this report wasn't. Time wasted on finding a book, then typing it all down in your own words for a grade I didn't care about. I shook my head, shoving my thoughts to the back of my mind to focus on tracking down a book. I walked down the isles, sighing in disgust, because where the fuck was this book?

I'd like whoever is reading now to understand that if this small thing went unnoticed by me, it would mean I would continue to believe there is no meaning in my own life. A boy, who couldn't have been more than a year older than me quickly shoves a packet in between 2 novels, and storms in the other direction, convinced he had gone unseen, like a book on the bottom shelf.

I was puzzled, staring in confusion as I watched him, only a stranger now, walk away. What was- what did he place there? I paused, looking at the packet, then looking at the direction he ran away too, before walking over. My hands clasped the package from the two novels, feeling the scratchy material between my fingers.

"What the.." I murmured, finding myself staring. Deciding this boy didn't want whatever was inside, I shoved it in my hoodie pocket for later. It could be one of those stupid build a bomb kits- rigged to-

"Sir." I heard a soft voice behind me. I panicked and turned around, loosing my grip on the package. Oh, the librarian. My expression forced a smile,"the library is closing at this time."

"Oh" I say a bit too kindly. "I'll be on my way then"
I walk out of the library, packet in tow. The sky was a lovely orange, but would soon turn to a purple that would leave my with an unsettling feeling for the rest of the walk home, keeping some deep hope inside of me that the horrible monsters I see on televisions won't suddenly come to life in the dark streets of New Jersey. It's a horrid idea, walking at night in New Jersey. But I always simply think, 'wear a hoodie, look down, know where you're going, and before you know it, you're home.'

My thoughts wondered to the boy in the library, the boy who seemed so distressed and down, so..broken. Just a glimpse at him, I could tell. Human emotions were complex, changing, faking, lying- if only it wasn't so hard to.

"Fuck-" I heard a noise behind me, my pace quickening as I came close to my apartment. My breaths were unsteady, my lungs aching for oxygen. I tapped my fingers against my jeans as the building came into view. I practically sighed in relief, grabbing my room key. I ran, deciding it was easier then walking in agony. My shoes stomped on the sidewalk, leading me to the door.

I race through my apartment complex, going directly to my bedroom, eagerly grabbing the packet from my pocket

"Hello. I appreciate you taking the time to find this. It means a lot to me that someone bothered to do so. I've created what I believe is the perfect description of myself through music. If you choose to accept this challenge, you must find each Album using the locations listed on the next few pages. And then maybe... Maybe someone will understand. -G.A.W"

Stonewall can wait, I decide.

The sun peaked through the white puffs in the sky, lighting up the land around, saving it from the dark. The dust particulars drifting through the window, glazing half the table and the bed. It was Saturday morning, a day for lazy-made toast and video games. But it was different today, the package that sat amidst with the clutter on the dresser was waiting a stranger. Someone to accept the challenge, someone who understands the mysterious person who wrote the letters and addresses.

I woke up with a start, not bothering to shower, but instead ran my fingers through my ebony hair. My head throbbed of excitement, but dread at the same time. It was time to read the addresses, to let it take me places.

Special thanks to my purely platonic friend MyChemicalCharlie for helping with this book I love you you lil idiot

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