"What you're..." Alan's eyes widened "You can't land" Paul turned back to him.

"Dr. Grant if you'd just sit tight, we'll explain this all in a jiffy" Aella didn't even acknowledge him.

"This plane cannot land" she shouted frustrated.

"It's going to be all right. Just..." Amanda started to say.

Alan Grant was out of his seat, heading for the cockpit. He was going to wrestle the controls if he has to. Cooper grabbed him, pulling him back. Alan started to struggle when Cooper punch him in the face knocking him out. Aella inmediatelly kicked the man behind his neck, when he turned the young Grant punched him in the face just the same way he had done with her father. It didn't knock him out but she had broken his nose. Cooper was groaning in pain on the floor. Aella grabbed her father and put him in one of the seats.

The plane landed and everyone started to get out, Aella didn't bother to leave the plane she was too busy trying to wake her father, Billy went to help her, after a few minutes he started to wake up.

"Tell me we didn't land" Alan grumbled. Aella shook her head.

"I think they are looking for someone" Billy told him.

Billy, Aella and Alan emerged from the airplane. Paul trotted over.

"Dr. Grant, are you alright? I'm sorry we had to be so..." Paul started to say but Alan was looking at the three mercenaries that were now walking into the jungle with their guns.

"What the hell is going on? What are they doing?" Alan asked confused.

"Establishing a perimeter. Making it safe. These guys are really good. One of them was a Green..." Paul started to say but Aella interrupted him.

"Mr. Kirby, trust me, on this island, there is no such thing as safe. We have to get back in this plane..." Aella looked at Amanda who was shouting through a bull horn.

"ERRR-IIIC" she shouted.

"You got to be kidding me" the young Grant say "Tell your wife to stop making so much noise. We're food to these damn animals."

"Amanda, Honey" Paul called her "Ms. Grant says it's a bad idea."

"What?" Amanda asked though the bull horn.

"She says it's a bad idea" he said shouting pointing at Aella.

"I'm going to punch her so hard if she keeps doing that" Aella muttered.

"What's a bad idea?" Amanda shouted again from the bull horn. As in on cue, there was a deadening roar from the jungle. Everyone turned toward the sound and froze.

"What was that?" Paul asked turning to the Grant's. They didn't answer, still listening to the reverberations. Then a couple shots were heard.

"Is it a rex?" Billy asked quietly.

"I don't think so" Alan said in the same tone. Billy and Paul breathed a small sign of relief. But Aella turned at them.

"Sounds bigger" she said making everyone's eyes wide. Nash and Udesky, the guys that were supposed to be "good" came running out of the jungle, headed for the plane.

"We got to go, now" Udesky exclaimed scared.

"What's the problem? Can't you guys...?" Paul asked confused but he paled when a second roar was heard. Aella's heart started to beat faster.

Everyone ran into the plane, Aella sat in the seat next to her father and grabbed his hand, he squeezed trying to comfort her but obviously it wasn't working. Out of nowhere the passengers were thrown about as the craft crashes through trees, tearing off a wing and pieces of the tail.

Finally coming to rest in the jungle canopy, the plane settled in the trees. The passengers slowly recover and had a look around. Foliage blocked most windows, making it impossible to see out.

"Is anyone hurt?" Billy asked.

Checking themselves, everyone seemed pretty much intact.

"Quiet. We're okay. Let's everybody just stay put" Udesky said. He attempted to turn on the cockpit radio, but it was dead.

"Who's got the sat-phone?" Nash asked.

"Right here" Paul said as he hands the bulky phone up to Nash, who dialed out. Alan unstrapped himself, climbed to the back to the side door and shoved it with the help of Aella. The door opened a few inches before hitting a branch. They looked out the plane and let out a quiet gasp as the ground reeled thirty feet below. They quickly shut and latched the door.

"Shit" Nash exclaimed, the phone wasn't working.

"What is it? What's the matter?" Paul asked. But suddenly Amanda screamed. A huge reptilian face appeared in the cockpit window. Everyone else screamed now. The plane lurched and a deep growl was heard. The passengers hold tight, paralyzed. Nash buckled himself into his seat.

Suddenly, the plane was yanked from the side to side. Everyone hold themselves grapping the seats. Finally the horrible sound of wrenching metal was heard when the nose of the plane was ripped off.

Nash and Undesky unbuckled from their seats and started to back away but the dinosaur managed to grab Nash's legs. The pilot cried out in agony. The others passengers grabbed onto his arms, trying to pull him back. But it was no use. The dinosaur ripped Nash out of their grasp and down the aisle.

Nash desperately grabbed on to the seat cushion, and then watched in horror as the fabric rips away. He was pulled out of the plane and dropped to the ground. A giant footsteps in the way as the snout of the creature reached down and quickly devoured the screaming pilot.

Aella just watched terrified for the second time someone getting ate by a dinosaur. She was right thinking something was wrong, hopefully she would survive this one, because if she did she definitely will make the Kirby's pay for that.


Here is chapter nine people.

Hope you had like it. Like always I want to know your thoughts about this chapter or the book.

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Love you all xxx 

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