Chapter 16:Goodbye

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I went to first period and saw Lindsay, I needed to have a talk with her. I sat down and before I could even remember of going to talk to Lindsay she was already at my desk.

She leaned next to my ear and whispered.

“That’s what happens when you mess with me”, she said

 She thought this was a game! I thought. She thought playing with peoples feelings were a game!

I stood up and slapped her right across the face. She was dumbfounded, luckily before she could say anything else the bell rang. Class went on as usual, but I didn’t miss any  of Lindsay’s mean looks at me. I knew that Lindsay was going to kick the crap out of me when we got out of class.


I ran out faster than anyone in the classroom, but most importantly faster than Lindsay.

I started walking as fast as I could and saw Ash just a couple of steps in front of me.

“Hey Ash!” , I said

“Hey Lucy” said Ash

“Listen I want to ask you something, come by the headquarters garden before lunch”, asked Ash

All of a sudden my heart started beating faster.

“Yea, sure”, I said

I walked to my class and by the time it was 4th period I was watching the clocks hand move, so slowly

“Miss Evergreen”

“Miss Evergreen!” , yelled my teacher

I looked up

“Yes!” , I said startled

“Will you please answer the question which is displayed on the board?”, asked my teacher.

“Yes”, I said

“Ummmm 26?”, I guessed

“All students report to the emergency auditorium immediately, all VSC members report to the principals office immediately”, said the loud speaker.

I got out of the classroom and started running, only problem was that I didn’t know where the principals office was! I kept running and saw Ty coming out of one of the classrooms. I ran right behind him keeping close, so I wouldn’t loose him. We started slowing down, and there was this grand office. Ty opened the door and we both got in. Ash and Lenawere already there. The principal was standing right in front of us.  She was a petite woman. She had short red hair that was tied up in a bun, and was wearing a sparkly pale yellow dress.

“The school is under attack for unknown reasons, so I need you guys to try and calm things down and if necessary protect the school.” , said the principal

“We will do our best”, saidLena

They all started running towards the headquarters.

“Why are we going towards the headquarters?”, I asked

“There’s something we need to get from there”, said Ty

When we entered the headquarters Ash pulled off a rug which skidded a few feet away, and to my surprise there was a very small door, but big enough to get a person through.

Ash opened the door, and pulled  out a sword it had a crest on it which was a clover. Ash pulled another sword out it had the crest of a diamond. Then he pulled another sword out, which was a heart , handed it to  me. I looked at it, it was shiny and definitely sharp. I looked at the crest it had a heart that said VSC, just like my necklace. I saw Ash pull his sword out, it was a spade.

“We have to hurry” , said Ash

We ran to the front door of the school, the gates were closed, but you could hear the carriages that were coming towards us. We got the guards to open the gates, and there we were four vampire teenagers with swords, the most intimidating thing in the world.

The carriages stopped   a few yards away from us.

“We come here for one reason only, if we can take the princess away and leave we will spare your lives and your schools destruction.

We were all in awe

“Never”, yelled Ash

“Have it your way” said the man on the horse

In a blink of an eye everyone was fighting. But strangely enough no one came to fight me. I felt some hands on my waist then someone pick me up.

“Let me go!”, I screamed , I attempted to stab him with my sword, but failed.

“Ash!”, I screamed

I was pushed inside the carriage( I never noticed when  they tied my hands and feet)

“ASH!!!!!!!” , screamed louder,but it was to late, the carriage was already leaving, and Ash couldn’t come save me. The last thing I saw were his green eyes. I saw him mouth the words I will save you. He started running,but guards were not letting him get through. The carriage had left the academy. By the time Ash tried looking for me I would be miles gone.

Cliffhanger!! Comment and vote!! 

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