Muse of Strength

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The sun was barely peaking over the long stretch of concrete as my seat rumbled. Slowly, the speed began to increase as I sat watching through my window. 

The plane began ascending into the clouds, and as the ground began to shrink. A burning in my eyes reminded me why I was here.

I slept alone last night. 

A mad chase was beginning.

Exhaustion set in me, weighing me down.

I just wanted to cry.

 Worry had me turned around, and with little to no sleep last night, I could drop.

Laying my head against the window, my eyes pinched together as the piercing began to tear my heart open.

What if they don't want to be found?

The little voice in the back of my head made it harder to hold on.

No. I've been through too much.

If I give up now, I will always be alone. I won't be able to love again. Not without them.  

I won't give up.

If I'm only given a moment's glance at them, I know I will never stop the chase, yearning to see them again.

My eyes dropped as a rebel tear slid past my eyelashes.


I sat up slowly, glancing out the window on my right. The sun reflected off the silvery clouds.

So peaceful.

A sigh escaped my lips as I checked the time.

2 hours left to go.


Walking off with my backpack strapped to me, I made my way towards the entrance of the building. 

My eyes took in the building packed with people preparing to get on a 3:00 plane.

Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The closest and cheapest plane ride to Casper, Wyoming.

Finding the entrance, I excited into the bright light.

My legs were jelly as I began my walk towards the bus stop I'd be taking.

In my mind, I knew I had a schedule. I knew that time was running on, and I didn't want to miss it. 

Thank google maps for giving me a path to follow off of my phone.

Quickly, or as quick as a drunken walker could get, I made my way following  the path to the bus stop.

Cars zoomed past and other people bustled around me.

My nervous mind tried, and failed, at ignoring everyone. Part of me wandered if eyes were following me.

Could Volto have followed me?

No, I highly doubt that.

Happiness pulled from me as I spotted the bus stop. 

My steps quickened as I made my way towards it. 

Excitement filled me.

I was one step closer to the boys.

Stepping onto the platform, I sighed. A few other people were waiting for a bus as well.

Quickly buying a ticket, I waited.

My legs vibrated. I need to move. I need to see them.

Holding my phone, I typed in with shaking fingers Kota's number. 

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