"Yeah I think so." Danielle clarifies as we both get out of the car. The white flowing beach dress that I chose to wear over my bathers gently blows against my leg in the wind. I place my beach hat and sunnies on, which shade me from the burning rays of the sun.

I grab the bag from the back with the water, snacks and sunscreen inside, and lock the car.

We walk along the wooden boardwalk until we find the familiar boat that Liam took us all out on once. The pier is filled with people, which makes it harder to find the boat. The only thing saving us from probably getting recognised by people is our hats and sunnies. Cliche' I know.

"Guys!" I turn around to see Sophia subtly waving at us trying not to draw any more attention.

"Hey girl." I smile once we approach her and I wrap my arms around her small frame.

"How have you guys been? Having a good summer?" She asks as she hugs Danielle.

"Yeah it's been pretty good actually, how about yours?" Danielle replies.

"It's been.... interesting." She laughs, showing her amazing smile that always seems to glow. "Now guys, I know Perrie hasn't exactly been the greatest friend these past months, but can you just listen to what she has to say?" She pleads, looking back and forth between us. "She's been through a lot." She adds, just as Perrie walks out from inside the cabin. She smiles at us and places her hands in her pockets, looking extremely awkward.

Sophia guides us onto the boat and it looks exactly how I remember it. Bright orange cushions placed on the wooden seats that line the side, black carpet with speckled white bits and huge plasma television in the cabin that seems too big for a boat.

"Hey guys." I hear Perrie speak, breaking through the memories of being on here last time.

"Hi, Perrie." Danielle says before anything comes out of my mouth. I don't know if I want to speak, in case I say something that I shouldn't, which I usually seem to do.

"Hi." I simply answer, sounding like I struggled to get that out. Silence is thick in the air as we all awkwardly stand there.

"Well, would you guys like a homemade lemonade before we kick off?" Sophia offers, breaking the silence.

"Yes please." We both answer at the same time. She disappears into the cabin and leaves us alone with Perrie.


"So-" Perrie and I both say at the same time.

"You go." She offers.

"No you go." I tell her. I was only saying something to stop the awkwardness that probably just would have made it even more awkward.

She sighs and looks out to the pier, biting her lip. "I'm sorry." She rushes out. "I shouldn't have blamed it on you guys and I shouldn't have just ignored you and I shouldn't have overreacted like that I'm sorry I'm selfish and I'm an idiot who can't even keep her fiancé happy...." She rambles on, breaking into tears. My anger disappears and I automatically feel sympathy for her as I watch her wipe at her tears and try to mumble something incoherent to us.

"Perrie, it's alright." I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her comfortingly. Danielle walks up next to me and starts rubbing her shoulder to calm her down. I look at Danielle and she shrugs as I thin my lips into a line.

Forgotten Nightmares (Sequel to Forgotten Memories) h.sWhere stories live. Discover now