Trash From My Past (Part 2)

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That's all I seen when I opened my eyes. So like a normal human being, I screamed.

But I was soon stopped as I felt a sting across my face.

Then a blind fold was ripped from my eyes.

In front of me stood a tall man.

"Well hello pretty thing" the man said to me with an evil look in his eyes, "I'm Paul."

"Wh-what am I doing here?" I asked scarred. At that moment I realized that I had ropes around my wrists and ankles.

"Well little one, your little boyfriend owes me something, and you seem to really be the only real thing he cares about. Long story short, I decided to collect on it."

Blake? What he mean by Blake owing him something?

Before I could ask a question the man turned around, "Furgy," he called and then turned back to me, "get the whip."

By eyes widened in horror.

They were going to whip me.....



I couldn't believe what was happening.

Paul was only doing this because of his sister.

Paul's sister was named Kelly.

Kelly was the pretty, Barbie doll type kind of girl.

But she was clingy and not the cute, sweet kind. The 'get the fuck away from me, you lunatic bitch' kind.

I had dated Kelly for 2 weeks before I got out of that nightmare.

And now, Paul was making me pay for leaving his sister. With the one girl I truly loved more than anything.

I'm walking through the alley towards the warehouse that I knew Paul would be at.

He didn't have any guards around.

I looked through a single window that wasn't boarded up.

Thee was a faint light but I couldn't see anything. I put my ear next to the window in hopes of hearing something.

"Get the whip" I heard a voice say. I recognized it as Paul instantly.

Whip? Would be really go as low as to whip Casey?

Yes. Of course he would, he's a psycho.

I ran into the building not bothering that I was making noise. I wasn't going to let Casey get hurt.

I could feel my gun in my pants, waistband and hid it with my leather jacket.

I walk into the room that is lit dimly with one singular light bulb.

Paul stands in the middle of he room with a limp body at his feet.


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