The Hospital (Chapter 15)

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April 22, 2013

Gerard's PoV

I dragged Frank to my bedroom. He couldn't be in the same room as that battle. I couldn't see him be harmed, or worse, possessed. Alex had soon after followed. 

"What the hell is going on in there?" Frank whispered to me, grasping my cold hand tightly. 

"Simple. He's summoning Satan." Alex said sitting on the bed, trying to hide the fact he's worried, but failing. 

"Wha-" is all Frank could manage to get out before the whole house began to shake like an earthquake. 

"Shh Frankie." I said, pulling him into a hug. "It's like an earthquake, it'll end soon." 

That it did, and Alex ran to the living room with Frank and I following him. The room was a mess, things had fell off shelves and a cabinet even fallen over. 

"He succeeded." Alex spoke up and said. "He's in hell"

"Well what now?" I asked

"We just wait." Alex said sitting on the couch, having to move some notebooks that had fallen off of a table unto the couch first. 

"Frank go back to the bedroom" Alex said, "It's not safe for you here." 

"Not unless Gee comes with me." He sternly replied 

"He must wait for Jack to return to help me with him. I'll have to tend to his wounds." 

"I'm not leaving." Frank said, sitting beside Alex. 

"Fine. You might get hurt though, I warn." He said with a hint of sass to Frank. 

"I'm a grown man, I'll be okay." he said crossing his arms. 

The conversation died after that and I sat in the chair beside the couch. Glancing at the candles and blood on my once was scrubbed clean hardwood floor. We sat for five, ten,  and then around twenty minutes later the room started to heat up and everything shake. 

"Frank run." I said to him as furniture in the room started to lift off the floor and slam around us. 

Frank did run, but he wasn't quick enough. When gravity returned a cabinet fell, crushing his whole upper body. 

"FRANK! FRANK! OH MY GOD GET IT OFF HIM." I was screaming louder than I ever thought possible as Alex and I ran over and somehow managed to lift it off of him. I saw the blood soaking through his shirt. "Fuck, Fuck, call the fucking hospital."  I screamed to Alex who had been looking at the spot where I assumed Jack had returned. He sprang to action, grabbing my home phone from ages ago off the ground and dialing the numbers.  I heard him say my address and as soon as we heard the sirens we disappeared.

Frank's PoV

I heard everything from the time I got hit. All I could feel though was the pain in my ribs and left arm. I figured both of which were broken, just as my heart hearing Gerard in such pain. All I could see was black. I couldn't open my eyes as hard as I tried. I felt myself being moved into an ambulance as the paramedics kept asking who called, being I was out the whole time. The whole ride to the hospital was rough, every pothole I prayed would soon be filled with cement  because once I hit one I felt the pain intensify. 

I fell asleep in a since, due to the pain. When I awoke I was in a clean, white, hospital room with something wrapped around my chest, my left arm in a cast and a male nurse standing over me. 

"Mr.Iero?" he asked "Mr.Iero can you hear me?"

"Uh, yeah." I said trying to sit up, but he stopped me

"No, no, don't move you'll cause more pain." he said with a look of pity. "You poor thing. Do you have any family?" 

"Give me the phone." I demanded, tired of his shit already. 

"Your cell phone?" he asked.

"No, the fucking president's cell phone" I said sarcastically. 

"Oh. Well take yours." He said handing me the phone. "I'll be outside the door waiting on you to finish, just say Alan and I'll come in" he said 

I didn't answer, instead I pressed Mikey's name on my contact list. 

"Yo Frank." he said answering the phone calmly. "What's up." 

"I'm in the fucking hospital." 



"I'm coming." he said as he hang up the phone. Well wasn't that a quick conversation. 

"Alan?" I said, waiting for him to return to the room, but he didn't.  What the hell. I pressed the button on my bed to call him. He walked in with a smile on his face. 

"Oh sorry, I'm just so excited. My boyfriend Austin is getting discharged today, his heart is better." he said in an singsong voice. 

"Ah. That's great." I said and managed to smile at the small ginger despite the pain I was in. 

"Oh yes, painkillers" Alan said as he handed me some pills and a small bottle of water. "Take these and you'll feel a little better." 

"Thank you, and uh, sorry for being so rude." I said. 

"You're fine dude." he said walking out of the room. 

About ten minutes later I heard the door to my room open and saw Mikey in the corner of my eye. 

"How." he asked me

I couldn't tell him "Well I was just summoning Satan with your dead brother, another dead guy and a demon." 

"I was moving around stuff in Gerard's house looking for something."  I lied to him. 

At the mention of Gerard's name he instantly teared up. "It doesn't matter, get well Frank." He said leaving me alone.  What the hell was that all about.

By then it was dark outside and I felt a cold chill beside me and looked over to see Gerard. "Feeling better baby?" he said cuddling close to me, causing me to flinch. 

"No." I said, and coughed. 

With that he just kissed my forehead, and hugged me more. 

"You'll get better Frankie." he said, as we both started to drift off. 

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