"That means Jesy and I are still in the lead," Jake told them with a victorious smile which gained him a kiss on the cheek by his fiancée.

"We've moved up to second, though," Perrie defended herself and put her arm around Jade's shoulder to show solidarity.

Leigh raised her eyebrows as she moved her figure along the board game, "Well, at the end of the day it only matters who wins and that is going to be me and Jordan." Since Jake was the host of the evening it was his turn again to turn the hour glass as the couple took its turn in the game – this time miming.

Jade snuggled up against Perrie and once more this felt just so real and like everything was perfect. It looked as though they were three happy couples in the stages of romance; Leigh and Jordan were dating, Jesy and Jake were engaged and Perrie and Jade were engaged (although they had started their relationships in the exact opposite order).

"We need more crisps," Perrie whined and Jade giggled, leaning into the blonde,

"You want me to get some for you?"

"No, I'll go," Jake told them and motioned for them to stay sitting but Jesy got up either way to go and help her fiancé.

Leigh watched Jade and Perrie and the brunette felt her cheeks heat at the intent stare – she was probably wondering how they were doing, what they were doing. She wasn't too sure if she would tell Leigh-Anne if she asked because although they were best friends she didn't even really know what to tell her and if Perrie was okay with it.

Maybe, Jade thought, maybe Perrie wanted to keep this a secret.

"Look at you," Jordan said as he took a sip of his energy drink, "if I didn't know any better I'd actually think you two were a proper couple."

"We've always been very touchy," Leigh-Anne told him quickly and Jade frowned, wondering why she was defending them like this. "The four of us, I mean. Girls aren't as scared of touching each other as guys."

The male laughed and looked at his girlfriend, "Aight, but if you were as close to another woman as those two are I'd probably be jealous. Or consider it hot. But more jealousy."

"You're an idiot," Leigh-Anne told him with an amused roll of her eyes. "Just to make this clear right here and now, I will not have a threesome. Ever. And I am as close to them as they are now but of course I'm going to sit with you if we're playing a game. And I see them a lot more than I see you."

That finally seemed to satisfy the only male within the room and his conversation with his girlfriend drifted off to something else entirely but Jade wasn't listening anymore – even Jordan, who could be very oblivious (for example when Leigh-Anne was angry about something) at times thought that they looked like a couple.

The brunette looked up at Perrie, who was sitting up straighter than she was and wondered what was going through her head right now. Was she thinking and feeling the same way as Jade?

As more time passed the brunette felt more certain that maybe Perrie was reciprocating her feelings. "We love each other," she had said and it was the truth. And what did romantic love separate from platonic love? Was it the kisses? The sex? The caring for each other? The living together?

They had all of this so the only thing that they hadn't done was to label their relationship – but then again they were married so what their relationship was... was a marriage, after all.

"Crisps are out but we've got popcorn," Jake told them as he and Jesy came back from the kitchen, each of them carrying a huge bowl filled with said snack. "I hope you're okay with that."

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