She noticed that a few letters addressed the marriage and most of them thanked her for being so open and proud about her sexuality and helping them come to terms with themselves. Every time she read another of those she felt happy tears tingle in her eyes and Perrie squeeze her hand lightly under the seats where Jesy and Leigh-Anne couldn't see.

It was weird but for some reason Jade felt like she had to keep their current deal a secret from the two of them – what if stuff happened that those two would consider awkward? She didn't consider it likely but just in case Jade and Perrie ever ended up sleeping together how would they explain this to the two of them? Or what if they just started kissing sometimes? What would they think about this?


The livestream didn't really go as easily as Jade had hoped. They all had shed a lot of tears and they were overly emotional about this whole day – after all, they had been together for four freaking years now and it felt like a life time.

Like Perrie had said in the morning; it was simply impossible for Jade to imagine her life without one of these girls now and she wouldn't change it for a thing in the world. Their friendship was so important and the reason why this band worked. They needed each other, they comforted each other, they made each other laugh, they built each other up.

"I don't know what I'd do without you girls," Perrie muttered and wiped below her eye with a smile on her face. Happy tears were falling from her face when she hugged all her friends at once. "Thank you so much for supporting me these past few weeks so much. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to be with you." For a few seconds her eyes were locked with Jade's and the brunette's heart started racing.

"Don't be silly," Jesy laughed and tried to hide the fact that she had tears in her eyes as well, "you did the same for me."

"And for me," Jade murmured and rubbed Perrie's shoulder.

"And you'd do it for me," Leigh added cheerfully although her eyes were glistening as well. None of them had managed to keep their eyes dry today but it was okay. It was a long and eventful day and after all, they had been together for four years (Jade just couldn't believe it so she had to remind herself of this fact every other minute).

Perrie smiled through her tears and squeezed the three other girls tightly once more. "Thank you so much again, you know I love you."

"Of course, and we love you too," they replied together and giggled.

"I think it's time for me to go to sleep," she laughed, "or else I'm going to be a crying mess again and we've already cried enough for another year." Her hands fell but Jade felt the tips of her fingers on the skin of her wrist before they slipped into her own hand. With a lurch of her stomach she tightened the grip on Perrie's hand and wished the other two girls a good night as well.

"Love you lots," Perrie hummed and threw her arms around Jade once more. This time she closed her eyes and just took in a deep breath. Jade could feel her wife's muscles relax against her skin and with a content smile she returned the hug. They were leaning against the door they had just closed and it was cool against Jade's back, the handle pressing into her waist, but she didn't mind when Perrie seemed so comfortable against her.

"Let's go to bed, okay?" The blonde suggested and Jade nodded.

They let themselves fall into the mattress tiredly as they had gotten so little sleep last night and it was almost midnight already. They didn't even really bother taking off their makeup and slipped out of their clothes carelessly on the mattress – the sounds of the bed squeaking as they shifted around made Jade blush furiously and she was glad it was too dark for Perrie to notice – until they were left in their panties.

Vegas, Baby (Jerrie Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें