Awkward much...

43 1 1

Enjoy (:


I turned to the fight that was still going on, I carefully moved Kyle deeper into the trees, close enough for me to hear him but far enough so that if a fight were to come to this part of the clearing he wouldn’t get involved. I sat him against a tree and ran back to the fight, the fight was vicious but I saw we seemed to be winning, until 2 more guys joined the fight making it very biased against us.

The person I assumed who was the leader walked over to me, I sinister grin on his face.

He stood 2 meters or so away in front of me, he looked at me before performing a very complicated set of fighting moves which I recognised, when he finished I did my own, out doing his moves. His smile faltered as he did another set, again I did mine and beat him. This went on until I saw he was running out of moves, eventually he stopped. We stared at each other, he should retreat now, I had won, what if he didn’t heed to the rules?

Eventually a smile flickered onto his lips, it was small and hidden, but there. He bowed and let out a whistle, almost immediately the fight ceased, shocking my boys, the gang sank back into the trees. The guys were tense where as I was completely relaxed, they aren’t allowed back. I went over to Kyle and called the guys over, they didn’t move.

“They’re not coming back, they’re not allowed until the next full moon.” I assured them

“Which is?” Ace asked

“Umm.” I thought about it, the last full moon was recently.

“2 weeks.”

They relaxed and we carried Kyle back to the house, I turned on all the lights, put a few towels on the kitchen table and they set Kyle on it.

Nick cleaned Kyle up, he had some award or something in this First Aid thing he goes to every Wednesday and every other Monday.

“So.” I said into the silence “You guys going to tell me why they decided to attack?”

“No.” they all said at the same time. Very sharply might I add.

I shrugged, but felt hurt inside, I just saved their skin and they won’t even tell me why. It wasn’t fair.

“I’m going to bed, see you tomorrow.” I mumbled as I walked over to the door.

“What was that think you and King did?”


“The leader.” Ace explained

“Oh, don’t worry.” I said over my shoulder as I walked out. When I got upstairs I got dressed for bed, PJ’s, teeth brushed and was about to collapse into bed with a book when the power went. For crying out loud.

My mobile rang and I realised it was Kina.


“Hey, the power’s gone, they’ve obviously got a generator up here but how’s things down there?”

“I’m in bed and the guys are in the kitchen.” I was unsure about whether to tell Kina.

“I know about the fight.” Kina whispered


“The…gang came into the hospital, a few of them looked bad.”


“Have they explained anything to you?”

“They won’t.” I whispered

“I will.” Kina promised “When I get home we’ll all sit down, I’ll take Sammy to his friend’s and we’ll talk, I promise.”

And this is what happened (New girl story)Where stories live. Discover now