I handed my phone to him, and he handed me his. I put my name in there as Blondie with the princess emoji and handed it back to him.

"So what are you doing later?" 

"Nothing why?" 

"Meet me at the aqatics center, at 10. Bring a suit" He winked and walked back towards his friends

I could not believe the boy I met two years ago was here. At the Olympics. Where I am. I threw my cup away and walked out of the store and back to the dorm. I walked in and ran to Aly to wake her up and tell her all about what happend. She screamed and got so excited. I looked at the clock and saw it was almost 10.

"Oh crap, I forgot I have to meet him at 10! Do oyu know where the aqatics center is??"  

"Yeah, It's right next to the gymnastics hall and the mcdonalds!"  

"Thank you! Youre a life saver."

I grabed my bathing suit, and headed out for the center. I got there just in time. I saw Tom standing outside, I walked up to him and could see his bright white smile from where I was.

"Hey blondie" He said and hugged me  

"Whats up dimples. So why did I meet you here?"  

" Well, I thought that you could finally teach me those flips you said you would 2 years ago. Thennn I could teach you my sport." 

"Oh really, well once you stop calling it flips, I will" I winked at him  

"What is it called then?" 


"Fine tumbling, happy?"  


We tumbled together for about 30 minutes before we both had a heat stroke.

"So, whats your sport dimples?" 

" I'm a diver." 

"No way, I thought it would've been like soccer or something" 

"Well, you were incorrect blondie, thats why I asked you here." 

"Oh guess that makes sense. So you going to teach me these special skills of yours or not dimples?"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. My goodness was this place huge.

"Okay go change, i'll meet you back in five" He smiled

I went and changed into my VS bikini, and headed back out there. When I got out there, I couldn't find Tom anywhere, and I started to think he had just left. and this was a joke to him. I turned around to go back and change when I heard a loud splash. I turned back and saw Tom pop back up out of the water.

"You coming in blondie?"  

"Yeah, but come here first. I wanna take a picture."  

"For what?" 

"Twitter, obviously. So everyone can see i'm hanging out with THE Tom Daley" I smirked

He walked over and got behind me. He wrapped his hands around my waist and placed his head on my shoulder. I took a picture of the two of us and uploded it on twitter

"You have a twitter right?" 

"yeah, TomDaley1994"

@mattie_rodgers: Look who I found! :) @TomDaley1994  pic.twitter.com/85dgUTY5v

When I put my phone down Tom flung me over his shoulder, I began kicking and screaming for him to put me down, and before I knew it we were in the water. I popped back out of the water to go hit Tom for down that, when I got pulled right back under by him. He pulled me down to where I was face to face with him. He flashed me that stupid perfect smile of his, and swam back up. I followed after him and got out of the pool after him.

"So, You ready to go learn to dive?"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs.

"You like doing that don't you?" 

"Do what?"  

"Grab me and dragged me places." 

"Yeah, It's fun."

We reached to top of the 10 m and walked to the edge together

"Holy crap, this is what you dive off of?" 

"Haha, yep." 

"And you want me to go off of this alone?" 


"Haha nooo, pretty boy youre coming with me"

I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me, we were standing face to face, staring eachother in the eyes, he went in to kiss me making me lose my balance sending us both over the edge, I screamed and held tightly onto Tom until we landed in the water. We got out of the pool after we came back up and I assured him I would NEVER be doing that again. I picked up my phone to check the time shit, it was almost 12 and I had training at 8.

"Hey. it's almost 12 and I have training in the morning, so I should probably head back to my dorm." 

"Let me walk you?"  

"That'd be great, thanks."

We both changed and then headed back for the dorms. We were almost to the dorms, and I felt him grab my hand, I smiled and held it.

"So what building are we going to?" 

"Umm, B I think." 

"Really thats my building too!" He looked at me really excited like

We got to the building and took the elevator to the 3rd floor and walked down to my room. We stood next to the door leaning against it, facing eachother.

"So you basically live 3 doors down from me." 

"Really? Gross." I smiled and poked his nose

He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. When he did I could literally feel a spark. The person i've been waiting to see and kiss for two years finally did. We were interupted by Aly opening the door

"Oh, I am so sorry. My bad" She said and closed the door 

"Well, I guess thats my cue to go. I had a lot of fun tonight. I'm glad I got to see you again." I smiled 

"It was a great night. I'll see you around?"  

"Of course. Night"

I opened the door and walk in, I didnt even close the door and Aly started asking all sorts of questions. I changed my clothes and got in bed and told her all about it. Pretty soon we both fell asleep, to get ready for the big day we have ahead of us.

Olympic DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now