20. Follow the Snouper

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"TAKE ME TO HER," Harry yelled. He didn't care if he had to duel with Dumbledore himself, he needed  to apologise to Hermione, in person.

"Remember this, it was not my fault she fled in the first place. Both you boys drove her away, so don't try and stand there blaming me for your predicaments. Your guilt is what is driving you to be compelled to seek her. I will execute her will, and you won't get any help from me in finding her." Dumbledore was furious, he hovered fear into hearts, they were seeing a side of him the had not before.

Dumbledore tipped his hat to leave, and encircled them. Harry wouldn't be left with his blood boiling. Leaving Ron he reached the Headmaster right before he left the common room and whispered in his ear.

"I will find her. I'll do it with your help or without, you know that. I won't rest until I see her again, don't doubt it." Harry gave Dumbledore a cold look and departed in front of him.

When his back was turned to him he sensed his eyes boring into the back of his head. Not only had he ticked off Hermione and Ron, but now the Headmaster. If Harry kept this up he was going to have a very lonely Christmas.

He walked, not sure how long he walked, until Ron came billowing to his side.

"What did he say, I didn't hear a word you told him."

"He didn't say anything," Harry slapping his hands at his side.

"Oh. Well I supposed we deserved that. What's your story?" Ron said eager for conversation. Harry wasn't even sure he was still friends with Ron, much less willing to talk to him. In the back of his head he knew Ron hadn't done anything wrong, but it didn't stop Harry from hating him then.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"She came into the Gryffindor common room and slap me you know," Ron sais feeling his cheek as if the hit was still fresh.

Harry resisted the urge to laugh, and swallowed his smile. Hopefully she did what Harry hoped she did.

"Then what happened," Harry said trying not to sound too anxious.

"I don't know Harry. I left your common room and got in a fight with Malfoy. McGonagall came and gave us both detentions for a week, but I was so mad that I didn't go to the Hospital Wing. Malfoy beat me up pretty badly, I hate to say it. The only reason you don't see any marks is because Luna found me and healed me-"

"Luna? You know she seems to be around a lot when you need her," Harry said trying to push ideas into Ron's head.

"I guess. Anyways, one minute I'm the happiest man alive, and the next I'm the angriest. She came in furious and told me she didn't want to be with me anymore much less marry me. I didn't know what to say or do. I was so heartbroken I took out my anger on her. I don't know what went wrong or why it-"

"Ron... can I... can I ask you something," Harry said cutting him off.

"Ask away."

"In the Great Hall... after the show, you weren't the one who did that for her so-"

"How did you know, it wasn't me," Ron said interrupting his abruptly.

"I... could tell. I could tell by the... that way you looked and the... song." Harry mumbled.

"Humph, was a bit obvious then." Ron asked questionably.

"Yeah it was. Well if it wasn't you who did that, why did you propose so quickly." Harry asked cautiously.

"That's easy, I was going to propose to her anyway. I don't know if you have heard but word had gotten to me that I wasn't the only one in love with 'Mione. When I saw this surprise and everyone thought it was me I... I went with it. I figured if I didn't pluck up the courage to do it then and there, someone else would and I would lose my chance. Mainly it was out of fear from losing her. After a nights rest I feel really stupid," Ron said dropping his gaze.

Re-post: Always and Forever by neivaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora