The Dat

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I walked home as Amy was my ride, but she became ill, so here i was walking along the sea wall, watching the waves and i decided to go to my secret place as there was no-one waiting for me at home.

I sat and watched the waves come in and decided to draw the boat that was slowly, gliding past. I pulled out my pencils and settle against the rocks and started to draw. It was my heaven.




"How the hell, am i ment to mind my language when you come sneaking up on me like that Aaron?"

Aaron was a really good friend of mine and Ricky's but can be a right pain the ass when he wants to be.

"Aha, oh Megan you never seem to suprise me." he said with a smile on his face, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and settled down next to me.

"If you want to make Jake jealous, its certinly working coming out of the room with Ricky"

" I know it was one of my most genious plans, dont you think?"

" Well you always knew how to get your revenge!"

"Ha, you know me to well" i said with a small smile, just so he could see i was still hurt deep down inside.

"Come on ill walk you home, and then you can come over to mine and ill make you a ice cream float" he said with a wink.

We made it down my road and i noticed a car outside my house, it was 2 o'clock who could it be, mum wont be home tonight as she is counselling oversea, who could it be.

I walked up to my drive way. My house was nothing stylish, it was a four bedroom bungalow with a games room, and it was fairly modern, but with that little oldish feel to it.

"YOU! can give me the money for the removal of the spray paint which you wrote all over my car with!" He sounded angry.

"I dont know what you mean?" i said with a little sarcasm in my voice. Inside i was crying with laughter. I started to head towards my door, after i said goodbye to Aaron and said ill be over in an hour. 

I looked at Jake as if to say goodbye, i unlocked my door, walked through the door, and he was behind me within a second. I tried to get him out, and he wouldnt move.


"Not until, you talk to me, whats going on between you and Ricky?"

"Nothing, he asked me out, i accepted and once you have left I'm gonna go and get ready. What dis you think of the little red dress, i think that would be perfect." I gave him a wink and started to head towards my kitchen. 

All of a sudden i was pushed up against the wall, he was breathing heavily against my cheek, he kissed my ear and started to kiss down my neck. I softly moaned and pushed him off me, if he thinks it's gonna be this easy he has another thing coming. 

He said cockerly "I know you want me, and I'm sorry for sleeping with her, it was just one of those things"

Was this guy serious, all over me one second and then says "it's just one of those things".

I pressed myself against him and said softly against his lips, if you want me, your gonna have to do alot better than that tosser. Then pushed him towards my door. He looked like he knew he had been defeated and turned and told me to stay away from Ricky cause i was his. Then walked out the door like nothing happened. I realised I need to get with someone. Quick. But i needed someone better than Ricky........maybe Amy's brother, I have always had a crush on him. And Jake knew it.


I hoped you liked it. PLEASE COMMENT, TWEET AND LIKE. I would like to get some of your views accross on this book. Thankyou. <3 <3 <3 

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