Chapter 2 : The agents

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"Where's Ziva?" Gibbs asked me and I gave him an easy-to-read glare."DiNozzo, elevator.Now!" He yelled at me and I know what happened next.

I walked to the elevator lazily, because I knew what he would to talk.

He stopped the elevator, "jeez, DiNozzo.She's pregnant, and you leave her alone.I know you hate babies, DiNozzo."

"Yeah, Boss.I hate babies and so I hated her too." I gave him an ugly smirk.

"Jackass, DiNozzo!" He pulled my shirt and pushed me to the corner hardly."You're such a stupid agent!"

"I don't care...I don't care! Babies are mess, Gibbs!" I sighed as his blue eyes watching me sharply.

"Let us see next 9 months..." He got pissed, then he opened the elevator.


In an undercover mission last afternoon I met my ex-coworker from Philadephia and now she is an ATF agent, Zoe Keates.God, she still beautiful like before.

"Spider, why you didn't go to your apartment?" She moved her ass to my desk.

"Uhhh...hard day." As I sighed and rolled my green eyes and gazed at her.

"Anyway, wanna some bourbon? I'll pay." Yeah, bar.I need to relax my mind, anyway.

"My favorite ones." I commented."C'mon, Zoe."


In a day, Ziva's pregnancy news was shared and I hated to heard it.But it's alright, because I have a new girlfriend here.

Someone called me and I checked the ID.


"Tony, you need to go to my lab immediately." I heard her voice is full of dissapoint.

"Yeah, Abbs.I'll go get to there." I moved my ass, and walked to the elevator.


"Hey, Abbs." I brang her Caf-Pow, but she stopped me.

"Tony.That Caf-Pow, wasn't important than this.I need to talk with you." She locked the automatic door so I trapped there with her.

"What do you need, Abby?" I tried to calmed myself.

"Say it.Ziva."

"Abby, I don't want to talk about her-"

"Say it! Ziva."

I sighed."Okay.Ziva." She just stared at me after I said that fucking name.

"Now Gibbs is get pissed with ypu and so am I."

"I know, Abby."

"What the hell is wrong with you, Tony?! I concerned Ziva and her baby everytime!"

"I'm not a father figure like Gibbs, Abbs.In mentality I'm not ready as a father." I explained, but Abby more pissed.

"Tony, you're so bad leaving Ziva alone!" She snartled at me, and started to cry.

"Shush, Abbs.Calm down." I shushed her, but she pushed me out and I leaved her.


I saw Ziva visiting the HQ after I went down from Abby's lab, and Gibbs called her to the elevator.I don't know what the hell they were talking about.And a minute, they went out from the elevator, then Gibbs and Ziva gave me a super scary death glare.

"Go home, Ziva.Resting yourself, I'll call Vance soon.Maybe for next time you just have a paperwork." Gibbs went to his desk and Ziva were standing there.

"Thanks, Gibbs." She rested her hand over her stomach, and her death glare told me, "be careful, DiNozzo.I've been killed a man using credit card." I'm scared.


"W-What? Zoe, I can't-" She invites me to go to her dinner...but with her parents.

"Oh, C'mon, Tony.Just once." She convinced me

"But, Zoe-"

Shit.She closed her phone.How if she know that I have a wife?

Damnit if that happened

"Who's that? Zoe?" McGee asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Damnit, Tony!" McGee noticed me.

"Shush! I know what would you say." I shushed him.

And finally...I offered Zoe's invite.


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