chapter 1: accepted

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"Mom! Mom, I have to start packing.. I don't wanna be late!" Sarah said.

"Oh, um.. okay, but please visit us or send us letters from the spiral, honey." Her mom said, reminding Sarah.

"We'll see, mom," she said, and kissed her mother on the cheek "gotta start packing." She said then ran to her room. After she started packing she was carrying tons of bags down the stairs.

"Do you really need all that stuff?" Her mother asked, pausing what she was doing. Sarah struggled with her bags and threw them to the floor accidentally.

"Of course I do! I'm going to be living there afterall." Sarah said, her hands on her hips. Her mother sighed and went back to cooking. Sarah looked at the clock and shrieked.

"I'm gonna be late!" She yelped, then quickly grabbed all her bags off the floor. She ran outside and waited for the bus. When the bus finally came, it was HUGE! it was a, obviusly, huge purple bus with stars, sparkles, and magical designs on it. She got in and noticed it wasn't a normal school bus. No.

The back was a room, where all the bags were. And the bus was bigger on the inside then it was on the outside.

"Ma'am, please tell me your name." The bus driver said. She looked at him with a questioning look.

"Uh, why?" She asked. The bus driver sighed and took 10 of what looked like stickers that you put names on.

"There are allot of bags back there. We advise you to put these stickers on your bags so you know they're yours." He said. A smart organization idea. She nodded.

"Sarah." She told him, he started writing her name on the stickers and handing them to her, she thanked him and took them. She stuck them on all her bags, and took them to the back. She placed them on the ground and went back and sat in a bus seat.

He started driving, then he pushed a button and a portal opened up. He drove into it and for what seemed like an hour, they were driving through an illusional place. Another portal was at the end, and when they drov through it, it parked right in front of a building. The driver opened the doors, and all the kids rushed out, including Sarah.

She looked at the tall building, then slowly walked inside. Inside, there was this old, wise looking man next to his desk. She walked towards him with her 10 bags.

"Excuse me, are you the headmaster?" She asked him. He looked down and nodded, then flicked his staff around and her heavy bags started floating.

"Thank you," she said stretching. "Um, how do I sign up?" She asked him.

"Answer these questions and we'll see what type of wizard you are." He said. He grabbed a stack of paper and handed it to her. It had questions and answers on it. She checked the first answer and flipped through the pages until she got to the last one. Where it was blank. Suddenly a golden circle with brown on the inside and a green leaf appeared, with the words "school of life" under it.

"Congratulations. You are a life wizard." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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