Kayla Meets Boy

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Maya, Riley and I are standing at Maya's locker.

"Talk to him" Maya told my sister.

"Why? We have a great texting relationship" Riley told us.

"I personally think technology is going to take over the world" I told them.

"You know what's a better text relationship?" Maya asked my ditzy twin.

"What?" Riley asked.

"Talk to him" I pointed to Lucas.

"He's right over there" Maya said.

"Noooo! Too complicated over there. Lots can go wrong over there. The only thing that can go wrong over here is if I go over there" Riles said.

"Listen, Kayla is going to demonstrate talking to a guy" Maya said, I saw Mike walking down the stairs.

"Hey Mike" I smiled at him.

"Hey Kay, what's up?" Mike asked me.

"Just teaching my sister that it's better to talk to guys instead of texting. Especially if the guy is not even 5 feet away from us" I told him.

"Lucas?" Mike asked me. I nodded my head.

"Yep, she's been texting him all morning" I told him.

"Well I gotta hand in this in and I'll come back and take her phone away" Mike told me.

"Thanks" I kissed his cheek and he walked off. I walked over to Lucas and took his phone away and texted Riley.

"Hey, I was talking to her" Lucas protested to me.

"Oh so you can talk. Enough with the texting Lucas talk to her" I told him.

"I can't okay, I really like her okay" Lucas told me. I sat next to him.

"You can't hid behind a phone all the time Lucas. My mum and dad didn't have a phone when they were dating" I told him.

"This is the 21 Century Kay" Lucas went to reach for his phone, I held it out of reach and put it in my pocket.

"Yeah I know, and in 20 year technology is going to take over the world. If you don't talk to her verbally by the end of the day you're not getting your phone back" I told him and walked over to Maya.

"Where's Riles?" I asked her.

"Over there" Maya pointed to Lucas. She was mouthing "Hi' to him. She then sniffed him. I banged my head on the locker.

"You smelled him" Maya stated.

"Yup" Riley nodded. I shook my head and walked into History.

"She's very protective over her phone" Mike told me. I face him and saw him rubbing his head.

"Yep, but I've got Lucas's phone" I handed it to him.

"Cool" Mike went to grabbed it, but Lucas bet him to it. Everyone started walking in and taking their seats.

"You guys don't connect with each other. It's like you can't exist without these. You use emoticons rather than emotions. You're an unfeeling generation of zombies. (Riley and Maya mimic zombies) Stop eating her. You're late, Miss Myzell" I shook my head at my best friend and my twin.

"My goldfish died" Myzell told him.

"You see? This is what I'm talking about. Miss Myzell has clearly suffered a tragic loss. Yet, she does not seem in touch with her actual emotions!" Dad told everyone.

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