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*Note that the chapters wont correspond to the actual shows plot. As of this chapter, these are simply  imagines.* 

 Your arm swings left and your ears are met with the unsettling sound of crunched skull. By now, this sound had become uncomfortably  normal due to the amount of walkers you're forced to stab. That wasn't on your mind at the moment, Daryl, however, was. "Daryl.." You let a panicked breath out as a circle of walkers begin to enclose on you.

You had been hunting with him when a swarm approached, leaving you both with no option other than to fight. The herd only became larger, and you didn't know how much more you could take. You could only pray that Daryl had it better. 

"DARYL!" You now screamed at the top of your lungs. No response, the walkers moved in closer. This was it, this was how it ended for you. 

Adrenaline began to surge and bubble over your fear. 

 No. You thought. You had to be strong for him .

Before the walkers could enclose you completely, you ran,like a bolt of light emerging from the depths. The walkers, not being to fast on their feet, stalked after you. Your feet pushed against the dry earth, the snapping of twigs and leaves drowning out the walkers moans. 

You keep your bloodied knife steady in hand, wanting to be able to defend yourself at a moments notice. Thats how things were now a days. 

Your adrenaline was starting to become switched with fear. You could now feel every muscles, every stretch, ache and bone. The dense forest around you started to become a hazy blur of green and brown. 

To make matters worse, your boot became snagged on a root, causing you to fall towards the sodden earth. You groaned slightly and stood up, the walkers weren't far behind now 

You tried to forget the image of the stampede behind you and press onward, praying to find Daryl. 

"DARYL!" You scream again. 

Something ahead of you stepped out from a tree. Your heart stopped, "Daryl!" He was covered in blood that you prayed wasn't his own. You both face the herd and charge, ready to fight.

The walkers didn't hesitate as they lunged hungrily for the two of you. You stood back to back, stabbing every walker that came close enough. This went on for another ten minutes before their was only 5 remained. You split up and began stabbing at them wildly, not needing the protection of one another any longer. 

You swiftly yank your knife out of the walkers rotten skull, ending it's existence. It then crumples to the ground in a heap. You and Daryl stand nearly 10 feet away from one another. He then drops his knife and walks to you briskly. You rush towards him as well. The feeling of colliding into his arms was one of which you absolutely needed. You both sink to the ground, and he pulls you onto his lap.

"Omigod...I though I lost you.." He said seriously, his voice trembling. You hardly ever saw that side of Daryl Dixon, but when you did, you knew he was at his worst. 

"You're never losing me." You reassure, nuzzling into his neck. He stays quite. He's sitting with his legs crossed as you sit in the center of them, your legs draped over his. 

"That was too...that was too close." He speaks softly, his voice breaking. You look up at him, he looks down at you. Your hand reaches up to stroke his cheek, "You're never losing me." 

Daryl Dixon Imagines Where stories live. Discover now