Chapter 4

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Bee drives us to our apartment and they all get out except for me.
Bee:Everything all...right?
YN:How am I a messenger!Ive been helping ever since and all I get is that I'm a messenger..
Bee:Well don't worry...your little autobot
I get out the car and went inside the building and go to the balcony.
YN:You guys ready to go to sleep
Wheelie:This sucks,the lady officially kicked us out of the team
Brain:Yeah..This does suck
Wheelie:Yeah we are a lot more safer with big yellow guy with his cannon
YN:You mean Bee?We are much safer..Now go get some sleep you guys,you never know when the war hits
I then leave and go to the living room and see Bee putting ammo in his cannon,I walk up to him
YN:Bee*places hand on his muzzle*Are you just hanging out now
He then nods and I smile at him
YN:Yeah me too*taps on his mask*
I go up to the fridge and get a cup, put water in it and sit next to him
YN:Would helping you guys count as being a messenger?I know we just talked about this but still...It doesn't feel right,
Wheelie:Yup I can't believe it,I'll tell you YN we feel the same way.The disrespect in this rock is criminal
YN:I thought you were in bed and you do make a point Wheelie.We should do something about it..Bee*turns to him*I need to know why there killing humans,we need to call an expert..
Next Day
Simmon:You want to know about the aliens,but my book before it's too late
YN:Wow so this is what he does for a living..
I then dial his number..again and,BINGO,he answers
YN:Listen I called because the decipticon are back and I want to know why ,I need your help
Simmon:There back..That's good for business
YN:What if I told you I know a fifty year old secret that nobody told you
Simmon:Okay then.....What kind of secret
I then nod at Sam and hand him the phone
Sam:Apollo,Moon ,Aliens
He then shuts the phone and I get ready and put my white dress on and white heels
Sam:Where are you going
YN:Well me and Carly got to go to work if we are gonna keep us alive
Sam:Fine but make it quick
YN:Sam this is time we are talking about..By the way..Don't make a huge mess when we come back
I then go to my car and Carly get in too
Time Passes
Dylan:YN can I speak with you for a minute
Dylan:How was my duchess doing
YN:Please Mr.Gould don't call me that anymore call me your assistance
Dylan:Here have this*gives me a Bouquet*
YN:Thanks it will go great with the apartment
Dylan:Also I changed the dress to show your idol more
I go to the bathroom and change and see that it's a bit smaller and the zipped goes down between my chest, a bit too low for my liking.I then go outside and place the bouquet in the back seat and Carly get in
Carly:Nice bouquet
I then drive to the apartment and get the flowers out.I unlock the door and walk in and see a huge mess.I heard a crash and see Bee backing up and tipping the chandelier and he then tries to make it stay still but he knocked it over.He then hides his face with his mask
Brain:Nice move BumbleBee
YN:Can someone tell me why is there a big mess here
Sam:What's with the dress first of.
Carly:Our new uniforms
Carly:Who are you
Simmon:Who am I?Duch show her
Assistant:Certainly*comes closer*
Carly:Don't touch me.Sam
Sam:Angel..I was working
She then goes upstairs and everyone turns to her and me
Sam:I'm sorry about this
Simmon:She lives here.Wow
YN:First off why is everyone just looking at me and Carly when we first got here
Sam:Have you seen the dress your wearing
YN:Yeah it's pretty cool I guess
Sam:Try telling that to Bee
Bee:*blushes*No it's too much....for me to..handle..*hides face*
YN:Fine..I'll change.
I go to my room and get the dress off and put on shorts and a shirt on.I go out of my room and see everyone gone.I put on my shoes and go outside seeing everyone get into the autobots.I think for once I'll drive as a car.I then look and nobody's looking so I transform into a white McLaren 650S.I then drive next to Bee and everyone looks at me confused
YN:It's me guys no need to threat
They then calmed down went in Simmon limousine.We started driving to this freeway and Bee always sticks with me.We started driving towards this bar,I quickly transform back and go to Sam window
Assistant:Sir I found a match
Simmon:Great lets go
They got out the car and we headed to the back entry and the slid came out
Simmon:Do Svidaniya
Man:That means goodbye*closes it*
He then knocks again and place one hundred dollar on the slid and the door open,we went in and saw a group sitting at a table.We went there and Simmon sat down
Simmon:We know who you are
Man:So what
Simmon:You were suppose to travel to the dark side of the moon.But you all got shut down the question is..why
Then this Russian lady started saying stuff and this other one was arguing with here.Then all of the hroup and the bar owner pointed gun at us.I back away and make my hand to a gun behind my back and point it at him
YN:Cmon shoot me if you dare
Simmon:I'm willing to die for my country
YN:What are you scared
Then a heard a bullet come and it was Simmon assistant who got the gun from the bar owner.He punched her and pointed the gun at some man
Simmon:Duch back in the cage
He then got to guns out and pointed to some random guy
Sam:Control your boy please control your boy
He then drops one of the guns and looked sad
Assistant:I'm so sorry that was the old me
Simmon:Look everyone just calm down,lower the heat and the guns
We all just lower then guns and I transform my hand back
Man:Follow me

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