57. Signs as Drunk Text

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Aries: You know I don't need a fuckboy in my life k because tequila is bae !!!!

Taurus: Come get me I need to go adopt a puppy.

Gemini: ugh do u thk that peopple are fucking idiotsf cause i doe!!!

Cancer: I wanna screw someone but only fuckbois are up !!! 😨😵

Leo: Probbbaobly fuckjhg seran beon just sayin

Virgo: a bunch of random emojis n shit

Libra: DO U THINK WGGS HAVE FEELINGZ?!?!1??1?1?1??1?1?1!1?!1!1!

Scorpio: can u get me movie theatre popcorn plz

Sagittarius: so so4ry bro for punchgonh u in they face

Capricorn: totes just jumped in the pool naked

Aquarius: singing can I smell your dick right now how the hellm is thids not a clasic

Pisces: come pick me you wanna get a kitty like Taurus wants a poopy!!!!


I'm sorry for not updated a lot like I use to. I just have a bunch of school work to do so thanks for bearing with me.

Zodiac Signs + One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora