54. Back To School Advice For the Signs

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Since a lot of y'all start school today/tomorrow I thought that this would be a nice thing to post. You can ignore the signs and take whatever you feel is for you! Good luck for this school year and don't slack off. Enjoy it and learn as much as you can. I love you!


Aries & Pisces

Try your best to focus. Okay I know you might not like that asshat of a teacher, but don't let them be the reason that your uninterested. When you feel your mind drifting, just gently bring it back. And if you're having trouble staying interested, make it fun! (Create a song or a story to make it sink in better.) Organizing things will make you feel so much more productive! Trust me you'll feel great.

Taurus & Scorpio

Determination is great and stuff but don't work yourself to death the first week and then burn out for the rest of the term. Take your time. Take notes, but instead of drilling them into your head, revise them a little each day and maybe even ask your teacher to tell you the key study points.

Gemini & Sagittarius

Try to throughly understand the things you know. It's one thing to recite the words you've learned, but it's another for them to really make sense. I know you might be thinking "it's only school though, I won't need it later." But trust me, some day it will come in handy and understanding the lesson will make test easier.

Cancer & Libra

Don't try so hard to fit in with the wrong people if you know it will interrupt your learning. I know you might want to fit in and belong but trust me, if you know these aren't people that you'd naturally get along with, there's a reason. Even if you don't like school, prioritizing your peers (not friends, peers) of education is never a good idea. Keep your good friends close and your head down. At least till school finishes.

Leo & Aquarius: Don't always assume that your answer is right. Even if it's an opinion, listen to others views and try not to be so track minded. Don't get disheartened if you get some things wrong. That's why we have school! When the teacher is explaining why you're wrong, listen and pay attention to what they're saying. Don't be afraid to ask teachers questions. It doesn't make you look stupid, it makes you look willing to learn.

Virgo & Capricorn

Don't close yourself off. It's great that you strive for perfection and stuff but it is so important and vital to your health that you keep the social aspects of your life going. Come to terms with the fact that you're going to get some questions wrong, and some projects aren't going to go completely to plan but that's how progress is formed! Make sure you go outside at least 10 minutes a day and make sure that you have a proper conversation with someone.



Zodiac Signs + One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora