Chapter 8

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Lily's P.O.V

The miracle, that has been my name ever since I woke up 2 weeks ago, but the car accident left me fucked up and I basically have to learn how to walk again, also my mouth is working at a very, very slow pace, for the first week my food was served through a straw. I can't help but feel like I shouldn't be here, but nothing's new, eh? The feeling that I could've died but I didn't and now everyone thinks that I'm a blessing sent from The Lord himself, they don't know what happened. They don't know that Vic's eyes were clouded with tears because his best friend tried to hurt me in ways I don't want to think about. I don't want to live carrying around that burden. I don't want to go through the huge apology stage, the awkward stage that sends me and Jaime flying away from each other until we become strangers, I don't want that. I don't want to have a memory, I want to make one. It hurts to know that things will never be the same and that my bony little fingers can't press a damn restart button. I'm stuck here knowing that he made an attempt to hurt me. Nothing's new, I've been hurt. I can't get to comfortable in a world that I made for myself.

Vic's P.O.V

Lily won't talk, I know she can and that she has full ability to say yes and no, but her emotional level is unbalanced and she is faking smiles so she doesn't wiggle her way into therapy. Jaime won't talk either, he even left his ability to say yes and no, turning into simple nods of his head. As much as I want to dig a blade into my wrist, I can't. Lily has been so strong. And I can't give up on the thought of recovery so soon.

I want to be able to wear short sleeves again with the exception of a few pale white scars that I can make up stupid excuses. I want to be like Lily. Strong, she can stand for herself when it comes down to it. She's hurting inside, who wouldn't? I want her to open up, be the old lily.

For the past 2 weeks, I haven't seen the real her and her yellow aura has faded, shrinking down to a dull gray with the occasional smile that she has conjured up to fool people. She's not fooling me, I know her to well for her to even try.

2 more weeks later

Lilys POV

"You can leave, you are fully able to walk now," The doctor said. Looking up, I smiled and nodded, to tired to make an attempt at words.

"Your boyfriend is outside waiting for you to come out. He even brought some clean clothes." The doctor pointed to a plastic bag filled with skinnies and a band tee and for the first time, a real smile appeared. He knew to bring the Breathe Carolina shirt because it's my favorite. I nodded once more and lifted from the hospital bed a little to fast, causing the doctor to rush by my side and pull me up from my half fall.

"I got it," my voice cracked and sounded rough.

I could feel my vocal chords thrash around my swollen throat, but choose to ignore it and get off brand cough syrup later. He released my arm and allowed me some privacy to change into real clothes. My finger fumbled around the knot of my hospital dress before I realized that those bastards tied it to tight the last time I took a shower. Knowing Vic would be outside I opened the door and called his name, loud enough to where he could hear it, yet low enough for it to not hurt my throat too bad. He came running, just as I thought.

"I need help changing and you've seen my parts, help?" He nodded and smirked as he quickly untied the dress. I held the thin fabric close, to this day ashamed off the marks that laid in my hips and thighs.

"Lily?" Vic's voice laced with a mixture of sadness and concern. I turned to him, watching as his eyes met my makeup-less face. His hand tugged on the string, causing the dress to slip down a little.

"Off." He whispered.

I chose not to be ashamed, he'd seen it all before. I shrugged my shoulders and let the dress slip down. His eyes looked all around but landed on the one scar, the biggest.

"Now new ones." He said, satisfied.

"No new ones." I repeated, also genuinely satisfied.

I slipped on some jeans and a bra with the Breathe Carolina shirt. I turned around, knowing his eyes laid on my butt the whole entire time I was changing. My breath hitched in my throat when I noticed he was right in front of me. His warm air trickled down my throat.

In one swift motion, he had collided our mouths. The pace of our lips the same, his tongue grazed my lip and I happily let him in. My fingers dug into his back when his teeth grazed my bottom lip. His hands curled up under my thighs and he lifted me up onto the bed and just when his fingers played with the lace of my bra, I pulled away. He was clearly pissed but I was beyond satisfied. Teasing was my favourite thing to do to him.

"It'll have to wait." I whispered and he groaned. Giving him my laptop, he covered up "himself".

After singing the papers, I ran outside.

The winter air slammed into my face, bringing a quite real smile to my face. I couldn't help but throw my arms up and smile even bigger. Vic scooped me up and twirling around a few times.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." He chanted and something in his voice, reassured me that he meant it, and always has.

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