Chapter 7

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Jaimes P.O.V

The memories flooded back, all of what I did, and of what I would've done if no one was there to stop me, to lily. Every little detail flooded back, to make things worse it was all in high def. her screams where as clear as the small trickles of tears that fled down her pale cheeks, and the worse part is. I couldn't stop it because I was the monster, the one who had laid hands on her in a way that as hard as she will try to, she'll never forget, and neither will I. The memory will forever remain high def, implanted in my brain like one of my many tattoos.

Vic's POV

"I swear she's dead, she yelled help and before we knew it she was out, not breathing and her lungs looked like they might've collapsed." It sucks to wake up to the information that hey, your girlfriends dying and all this other shit is wrong with her, let's celebrate your living breathe as we try to get her to her's!

My eyes opened and I saw a man in his mid forties with his little clipboard and fake smile.

"Hey, you're awake?" Groaning, I sat up so I could look his in his eye without getting this awkward quadruple chin. "What's wrong with Lily?" His face dropped and the fake smile was replaced with a scarcely real frown.

"I'm going to be as real as I can because, to be honest, I'm sick of sugar coating everything in this god damned hospital," he exclaimed. "We really thought she would wake up automatically and be up and running as soon as she could speak, but we were wrong. Her lungs collapsed and there trying to just keep her breathing, we're going to have to worry about living later."

I should've been shocked, hell, even let out a few tears, but this all felt scarcely familiar and I am sick of crying over things that I didn't have control over. I know that the doctors will do there magic and, soon enough, she'll be up and running and we can do couple shit like take pictures of us kissing and post it on Instagram. The doctor looked like he was relieved that I wasn't on my knees begging for her life and that I was pretty chill about the whole death thing. If only he knew how, just a couple of days ago the thought of death would've sent me into a smiling fit because as much as people try to not fathom death. I spend every living minute teaching myself it's the way out of problems that I can't control, how I wish I could be a different person, normal might I add.

"You do have waiting visitors, if you're up to it." I gave him a nod of my head and watched as he waved two people back into my room.

Mikes POV

The old man waved us back into Vic's room and as soon as I walked in, I wish I hadn't. If only Vic could see how banged up he looked.

"Hey, amigo?" He tried to lighten the mood but failed as his voice cracked and his words were laced with fear and concern.

"Your girlfriend, that you just got back, is dying, how in the hell do you try to crack a joke?" He doctor exited as the conversation got slowly more heated.

"I was informed, guess I'm just waiting for a miracle." I snorted, a miracle?

"Yeah, we'll tell me when that happens." Tony awkwardly walked in and sat down, I did the same and I talked to Vic about how exactly the accident and incident came to be and tried my best to keep my outburst to a minimum.

A match into the water (Vic Fuentes fan fic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя