Chapter 1

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Vic's P.O.V


Lily's wrist shook under my grasp, threatening to pull away if I attempted to let her go. Tears fell softly from her eyes, cascading their way down her pale cheeks. The ones I used to kiss. I needed to meet eye contact with her, just to see her diamond eyes one last time before I let her go, but she didn't dare to lock eyes with me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered, still having a tight grip on her wrist. Finally, she locked eyes with me. Her eyes were the ones that you could find her current emotion in, and that was something I had always been thankful for. Of course, she was scared.

"Please Vic, d-don't worry about me." She pleaded, yanking her arm back a little. I pulled her arm back. There was no way she could get out of this one. There was no way I was going to let this slide.

"Remember that promise?" I asked. "After a month that we were together we both promised to never self harm again, remember?" I reminded her. Looking at her new cuts, I glanced down at her bare thighs to see all of the recent marks.

"Lily, I can't do this relationship if all your going to do is break promises." I warmed. The biggest cut on her wrist opened up due to my strong hold, causing my hand to get drops of her blood on it.

"GO LILY! FUCKING GO! I CAN NO LONGER TRUST YOU!" I yelled, finally letting her wrist go. She got up and ran and I watched as she got in her car and drove away.

~end of flashback~

Lilys P.O.V

~three years later~

"Why are you just standing there! Move bitch!" Danny yelled at me. Why have I not left yet? Danny beats me almost everyday, I'm just his little toy, not that I'd have the balls to tell him that.

"Sorry Danny." I muttered. I felt his hands hit my chest and the stinging pain when my back hit the wall.

"That shirt needs to be off whore!" Vodka lingered on his breath, I stood there. I was not in the mood to be fucked with today. I took a deep breath. I felt the courage build inside me. Here goes nothing.

"No." I said, trying to sound as brave as possible.

"Did you forget that I fucking own you?" He said as he took another sip of vodka.

"I'm done with you Danny." I was shaking but I stood my ground. His sickening laugh filled my ears.

"Are you now?" His hand went up and the vodka bottle smashed against my face, glass went everywhere and the alcohol burned the open cuts that the glass had made. I fell and then blackness came in, next thing I knew I was knocked the fuck out.

Vic's P.O.V

Cutting has became a normal habit now. I could be having a wonderful day but I NEEDED to have that stinging pain in my arm at least once a day.

"Hey mike I need to go use the bathroom." Mikes face dropped a bit.

"Vic, why don't we take a ride in the convertible to get your mind off things for a little bit?" I so bad didn't want to go. I just want to curl up with my blade and have a bit of 'fun' but I'm already pushing me and mikes friendship. He accepts the fact that I've tried to commit suicide 5 times. He can't do anything about it cause he's my younger brother, he always will be. We were riding in the country and as much that I don't want to admit it, it was beautiful. It reminded me of when me and Lily took walks like this. A flash of red passed by my side of the window and I looked ahead. The car stopped and tossed a body out of it and sped off.

"Mike! Go to the body!" I yelled. I jumped out of the car and looked at the body. My breath stopped, it was lily! Her face was drenched with blood and had glass sticking out of some places. I picked her up and put her in the car. Laying her down, I positioned her to where it would be a bit comfortable and where nothing was touching her face. I grabbed her wrist so I could turn her, the weirdest part was that her wrist were bare, as well as her thighs. She had kept out promise.

Lilys P.O.V

The voices beside me where faint but with each breath I took got a bit louder. It took all of my power to just open my eyes but when I did, I wish I didn't. The Mexican I had missed for a long time was beside me, I jumped. His hand rested on my thigh.

"Hey, it's ok. I don't bite." He doesn't bite, seriously. I rolled my eyes.

"What's going on?" I looked into Vic's eyes and watched as they slowly glassed over.

"Some dick through you out of a car!" He yelled, I put my hand on his shoulder as a sign to calm down.

"Danny." I said, just above a whisper.


"Danny." I said a bit louder. He shook his head. "He was my boyfriend, a very nice one at that until he just... Changed. He would hit me and call me names and make me bleed because he knew that I wouldn't do it myself."

"About that, you kept our promise?" I nodded my head.

"I wish I could say the same." He pulled up the sleeves on his baggy sweatshirt reveling hundreds of cuts, old and new. My hand flew to my mouth. Had he been that sad? I shook my head and tried my best to hold back tears. He looked up and our eyes locked and I felt that stupid feeling in my stomach. The one that I used to get with Vic. When he got closer I almost panicked but calmed and just let it happen. The kiss. Oh, the kiss was amazing. I didn't stop kissing him. Even when I heard the door open.

"OH LAWD JESUS MY EYES, MY BEAUTIFUL EYES!" Jaime yelled followed by a weirded out Mike.

Vic's P.O.V

My cheeks got really red and I pulled away from Lily's grasp and looked at her. . She looked different since the last time I saw her, her brown hair was now blonde that was littered with various colors. She looked amazing even if she had just woken up.

"So, when am I getting out of here?" She said smiling.

"In about an hour!" Mike said. I couldn't take my eyes off of Lily, she was so beautiful, just like she was when I told her to leave and all of the times before that.

"Hello, Mr. Perv?" Lily said laughing.

"I'm not a perv if you like it." I wiggled my fluffy eye brows seductivly which sent the whole entire room laughing .

"I haven't seen you this happy in awhile vic!" Mike said, bitting his lip. Jaimie ran his hand threw his hair and looked at Lily then back at me.

"Well, we did catch them making out." Jaime said. Mike threw his hands in the air.

"Well, there you have it folks!" Jaime laughed. "That Doesn't mean that we're going out!" Lily said defensively. "I don't think I can ever forget what Vic did!" She shouted. My heart dropped.

"Hey, I'm sorry about it I was stupid ok!"

"Damn right you were stupid! I got up and ran to my car, not looking back. I heard Mike yelling my name and smiled as they got fainter. My feet skidded to a halt in front of my car and I got in and drive to my house, already planning out what was going to happen.

Jaime's P.O.V

The moment Vic ran out the room I knew what he was gonna do. Hopefully he would just cut. Not try for the 6th time to do something that I know he shouldn't do. I ran out and tried to find him, frowning when I saw the absence of his car in the lot. I hopped in mine and hoped for the negs when I found him. Please be ok please be ok I changed in my mind, then I started saying out loud.

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