Ace Profile

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Ace is the legendary white deer for about 1,012 years now also he can turn into his human form when ever he wants to.

Ace age: 1,012 years old

Ace looks are: white hair, light pale skin, reddish black eyes, 5 foot 5 inches tall.

Wearing: black sleeveless shirt, grey zip up jacket, black shorts, no shoes, always wearing a blue stone necklace in his human form.

Ace likes are: swimming, fish, resting in the sunlight, people or animals with true hearts, little kids making flower crowns for him, playing hide and seek with the little kids or animals, quite places, nice villagers, his home.

Ace favourite colours: blue, red, white, violet, light green, dark pink, orange, dark blue, and yellow.

Ace dislikes are: the colours light pink and brown, loud places, mean villagers, rude people or animals, burnt fish, icy cold water, people or animals with black hearts (a.k.a bad hearts), sometimes hyper people, seeing innocent animals or people getting hurt, and short naps.

Ace personality: kind, very wise, friendly, awesome with kids, protective over his friends and love ones, great to hang out with, cheerful towards little kids.

Ace blood type: AB

Ace crushes: kiba, and Sasuke

Ace powers are: can grant one wish (but with people or animal has to be a true heart), can walk on water, can read minds, can heal very good, can control water and fire.

The legendary white deer (Naruto fanfic/boyxboy or boyxboyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz