The gaurded delinquent type(OHSHC fanfic.)

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"This school will be best for you two. It'll help you make some friends and should help you get over your traumatic stress. Gaining your voice back will be best for the both of you and society would appreciate it if you didnt dress like a delinquent." The doctor checked off a few things on the list the assistant gave him and looked up at the two boys.
"You're sixteen now. Its time to let the incident go. Go on, Mr. Ootori will give you a ride." The twin boys stepped out into the sun for the first time in several years and the boy that was a few inches taller stuck out a bandaged hand towards his brother, silently offering comfort, and without hesitation the shorter brother grabbed the tallers bandaged hand with his own hand.
"Excuse me are you two Sora and Yuto Gyakutai? Im Mr. Ootori and I'll be accompanying you too your new school. I'm a good friend of Headmaster Suoh and Im positive that Ouran is exactly what you need. Come along honored students."
The shorter boy stared at the open limo door apprehensively, but followed his brother inside. When Mr. Otoori came in and shut the door the taller boy squeezed his brothers hand reassuringly. "Dont worry boys. You'll love Ouran." If only Mr. Ootori knew how withdrawn they were.

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