FFMBBF - Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

Luckily, Luke caught me and I didn't face plant the floor. My dad walked over then, he glared at Luke; my dad had never really liked Luke for some reason, he always says Luke's to loud and hyper all the time.

"C'mon kids. I'm driving us to the hospital! We need to know what's happened to your mum. Luke, I think your mum's bringing you. Sandi and Sarah were always good friends so we will see you there!" My dad didn't look too pleased about the last part. He really didn't like Luke.

"Ok, thanks Daniel," he said to my dad, "see you guys when we get there." We waved as we walked to the car. Luke's younger brother, Sean came walking out the house as we got into the car. Sean was the spitting image of Luke, just younger, he was also the same age as Emily; everyone thinks he likes her more than friends so we all tease him about her. I knew she liked him though; she was confused on how to talk to him once because she didn't want to embarrass herself so she asked me for help.

We pulled into the parking lot and I got out taking Emily's hand. "It'll be ok, Em. Think positive." I told her trying to stay calm myself. My overprotective brothers and dad walked behind us into the hospital, we got told by a nurse that we had to wait in the waiting area before we could know if mum was ok.

I sat down and Em sat on my lap curling into a ball. Dylan sat one side of me and Nate the other both trying to calm us while my dad paced in front of us. "Sydney, I need the toilet." Emily whispered. "Alright, I'll ask dad then take you." I replied. The boys looked scared as they looked at dad, I could see why; he looked so stern and strict while he paced. There was something scary about him at the moment. Em got off my lap and I stood up.

"Dad, can I take Em to the toilet?" I asked quietly. His eyes snapped to me, they were so hard. Before I knew what happened, he slapped me, "Hurry up! Don't waste time or I'll hit you again, understand?" he growled. I was so shocked; I nodded quickly running with Em to the bathroom. We finished quickly and ran back to our seats.

I looked at Dylan, and realised he had a split lip and a cut on his cheekbone. I frowned, stopping and staring at him.

"Sit down now, Sydney!" My dad barked, I jumped and ran to my seat.

"What happened to your face, Dylan?" I asked worriedly. He gulped, looking slightly reluctant to tell me what had happened while Emily and I weren't here.

"I started to talk to Nate about what's happening tomorrow now that mum's dead, and he punched me a few times shouting that she's not dead and how dare I say it." He winced, probably at the memory. My eyes filled with tears, as I realised what was going to happen. Our dad was going to turn into one of the abusive fathers from the adverts that were on TV about child abuse.

"What do you mean? What's happening tomorrow?" I asked confused, tomorrow was Sunday, nothing was happening tomorrow as far as I knew. "Nate and I have Football training and Emily was ment to go shopping with mum after." He explained quietly. I gasped. Omg! I forgot about that. But how could I forget Sundays are the days when my dad would sexually harass me and Emily until mum and the boys got home. I hated Sundays. No-one knew, me and Em never talk about it to anyone.

Just then Luke, Sean and Sandi walked in. Emily started blushing as she realised she was only in her pj's, well we all were, but because she liked Sean whenever we were going out with their family she tried to look her best. I laughed quietly at her as she hid her face in my neck.

"Hey, Star!" Luke said to me as we sat down opposite us. I hate it when he calls me that, he has called me it from the day I could say his name, he was 12 the same as Dylan and they were best friends.

"Hey Luke." I replied politely, but quietly.

Sandi looked at us and smiled reassuringly, "Hey guys. Hanging in there?" She asked, we all nodded afraid to speak in case my father hit one of us again.

"She'll be fine!" She stated confidently, but I could see the denial in her eyes, she didn't believe what she said and neither did I. The Walters' were always really nice to us; Sandi thought of us as family and always looked at me hopefully, I never understood why.

"Sandi? Do you think you could take Dylan and me to football with you tomorrow? Mum won't be able to take us this weekend, now." Nathan asked quietly, looking at Luke's mum. He sounded like he was 100% my mum would survive.

"Sure sweetheart, Luke and Sean are going as well, of course we can take you." She replied with a small smile. Suddenly, a nurse walked up to us.

"Mr Fowler?" She asked. My dad stepped forward looking hopeful that she had good news, his face fell at her apologetic expression.

"We are awfully sorry, Mr Fowler, but your wife seems to have had too much alcohol, therefore she has alcohol poisoning. There is nothing we could do to save her. We are very sorry." The nurse explained. Emily and I started crying again, I couldn't breather either.

My mum was dead and I was left with my new pervert of a father for the rest of my life.

Luke got up and came to comfort me and Dylan, he was struggling too, while Nathan took Em from my lap and Sean went and sat next to him, comforting Em and Nathan. Luke and Sean really were good boys. I moved to sit on Dylan's lap and nuzzled my face into his neck, sobbing my heart out, while Luke sat in my empty chair rubbing my back.

"I want to go home now Dylan. Please?" I begged, not wanting to sit in the hospital any longer. "Alright, let me talk to dad. OK?" He asked. I winced at the thought of my dad hitting Dylan again, and this time it would be my fault. My dad reluctantly decided to take us home as it was getting pretty late.

When we got home I went straight to bed, everyone from the party had gone now so it was nice and quiet. The last thing I thought of that night before I fell asleep was that my mum was dead. I was never going to get to see her again. Never gonna get to hear her talk or have one of her fried breakfasts on Saturdays. She was gone and I couldn't get her back.

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