Temper Tantrum

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"Dean!" Seth banged on the door.

"Dean! Wake your ass up, we have to go!"

He sighed and for the briefest moment, I felt a flicker of guilt. "You know what, I'm going. You can be late, fine with me." His footsteps faded down the hall.

Ugh, I hate school! All I ever do is get bullied and get in trouble. I tried to convince my parents to homeschool me but they couldn't afford it so I'm stuck in public school. It was 7:00 am but it was dark in my room because I covered up the windows with curtains.

I couldn't really see anything other than the faint light that was coming through the curtains.
I got back into bed and tried to go back to sleep but my phone rang preventing me from doing so. I groaned and reached for my phone and slid the answer call button.

"Hello?" I said groggily.

"Deannn," I heard a high pitched voice whine which belonged to my only friend Melissa.

"You're still in bed which means you need to get out of it."

"But Mel-"

"Oh no, no buts, get your ass here or I'll bring mine over there and bring you here myself." She warned.

"Alright, alright," I said sitting up, "And don't cuss, it's not cute on that little mouth of yours."

"Yeah, yeah, just get over here already. I'm missing my best friend." Even though I couldn't see her I knew she had that cute pout that she does.

I looked over at my alarm clock and I had about twenty minutes before school started, "Okay..." I sighed.

"Yay!" She squealed.

My eyes rolled but that didn't stop the smile that pulled at my mouth. "Be there in ten."

"See you then."



I hung up my phone and threw it back on the bed. The only reason I hadn't dropped out is because Melissa kept me going every day. As cliché as it sounded I really liked her but of course I could never tell her that. If I did it would ruin our friendship and she would never talk to me again and I couldn't risk that. Ever.

So back to me going to a shithole I called school, I kept it simple—like I did every day—jeans, a tank top, which they never let me wear in school so I cover it up with my signature leather jacket and some converse.

I grabbed my phone off the bed and headed downstairs. I only had less than ten minutes to get to school so I couldn't make anything and Seth took the car so I had to walk.

Best case scenario I get there by the first bell since I'll be getting there on foot. I left the house and started my journey. I took my phone out of my back pocket and dialed Melissa's number. "Hey Mel," I said shoving my hand in my pocket. "I might be a little late."

"Dean," she said sternly.

"It's not my fault, Seth left with the car and I have to walk."

"Maybe if you'd actually get your ass up when you're supposed to you'd have a ride and be here on time." Oh great, she's mad at me. That's the last thing I need.

"You're not mad at me are you?" I don't fucking think before I speak.

"Mad? No, not at all." There goes the sarcasm. She's mad.

"Oh good because-"

"I'm disappointed."

"No, no, no, don't say that I-" I rushed out but got cut off before I could finish.

"Look," she sighed, "I don't care if you get here late or even come at all, alright?"

"What why?" I asked even though I knew the answer to that question but I asked anyway cause I'm a dumbass.

"You know why." She said with an angry tone.

"What's your problem, huh?" I just buried myself into the deepest hole. I'm such a screw-up.

"What's my problem? My problem is that we do this shit every day. Every day I call you to get up and every day you get here late and every day you get mad at me for no fucking reason! All I am is nice to you and every day I get yelled at. This has been going on for three fucking years, Dean. The least I can get when I call you is a "hey what's up" or "how have you been?" "Your day been good?" But no, every time I get yelled at because you don't know how to control your damn anger. I'm tired of being the only one that's trying here."

I never realized that I'd made her feel like shit and she put up with every bit of it for me and I'd never given her anything in return except be an asshole.

"I never realized..." I said not knowing what to say.

"It wouldn't be the first time. I gotta go, class is about to start."

"No, please don't-"

The line went dead.

What have I done?

A/N: Thank you again to the amazing PocketSizeDiva for being my editor on this story!!

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