23: Dancing Isn't Really My Thing

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I'll admit, I had been expecting Jake to say no. Which is partially why I may or may not be freaking out right now. I already have my dress picked out. Should I feel bad that I'm dragging him to one of the boring events I'm constantly forced to go to? Probably. Do I? Not really. Honestly, I'm glad I'll finally have someone my age to hang out with that isn't a stuck-up brat. I've met plenty and I'm done playing nice with some of them. I just have to make it through a few more events, then I'll be done.

I finish getting ready just as the doorbell rings. Looking at the clock, I see that Jake is early. I'm not surprised, but I'm nervous. I grab the skirt of my dress, checking my reflection in the mirror one last time before walking down the stairs. My hair is up in an elegant braid, and the dress I chose is floor-length, pale pink, and wraps around one shoulder. I may be tall, but this dress is still too long. Even with heels on, it touches the floor. I guess that's how you know it's ridiculously long.

Maria beats me to the door. I blame the heels. As I come down the stairs, Maria scurries passed, holding a bunch of flowers.

"Hey," Jake says. I turn to see him standing in the doorway, wearing a tuxedo.

I smile at him. "Hey."

Before I can say anything, Maria returns with a camera. "I want to take some pictures," she exclaims. "Why don't you two stand over there?" After what feels like a thousand pictures later, we're finally finished and have permission to leave.

"Don't be out too late and have fun," Maria sings as she practically shoves us outside. This is going to be an interesting night.


There's one hotel that the company usually holds events at. As we pull up, I noticed that it's not as fancy as it has been the past few times. Jake helps me out of the limousine that my mother had insisted we take. I thank him and look up at the sky. "It looks like it's going to rain," I note. "Let's get inside before it does."

We hurry through the doors as the limo pulls away. A doorman tells us that the event is just down the hall. Thanking him, we head down the hallway. Walking into the event room, I can already tell we're at the wrong place. There are balloons everywhere and pictures around the room. I notice that the words Happy Anniversary are printed on several balloons.

I tug on Jake's sleeve and whisper, "I think we're in the wrong-"

I'm cut off by an old woman. From her white, curly hair and her outfit, I can tell that she's the star of the show. "Oh, you must be Mary's friends! Well, don't be shy. Come join the party!" She smiles brightly at me. "My, aren't you just a pretty thing?"

I blush. "Sorry. We seem to be in the wrong place. We-"

She cuts me off again. "Amber, is it? Well, Mary's just right over-"

"We don't know a Mary," Jake cuts in. "Sorry to be a bother."

She looks at us a bit more closely. "Oh, nonsense. You're no bother."

"I'm going to go call us a taxi," Jake tells me before walking out of the room.

Before I can say anything, the woman is talking again. "It looks like it's about to rain. Why don't the two of you stay in here until your ride gets here? There's plenty of snacks and we plan on cutting the cake soon."

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