A- Anxiety

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Today I learnt that Riley has anxiety and was very surprised because she usually seems so confident. But i need to make sure she is okay at all stages because panic attacks can lead to suicide and that is the lat thing i want right now. Even thinking about it makes me a little shaken up. I mean she had a panic attack and she is in the hospital, I am extremely grateful of what doctor told me earlier. HE also told be that she would wake up in 10 minutes from a coma. So I decided to walk into her room and too my surprised that she was awake and checking Instagram (A/N: all rights reserved):

Lucas: Hey Babe,

Riley: Hey,

Lucas: ermm... you know you scared me earlier today

Riley: (stops looking at phone) I didn't mean too. 

Lucas: The doctor said that you can leave the hospital whenever you want but it must be tonight before 9:30 because they have someone due at 10:00 tonight.

Riley: I ready to go now.

Lucas: Okay (pecks her on the lips)

Riley: (deepens the kiss)

Lucas: (breaks kiss) Ready?

Riley: Definitely!

(At home)


I was so happy that I am home, but do feel a little guilty that I didn't tell Lucas about my anxiety. I hope he isn't mad though. Just after we ate a romantic dinner, i cuddle next to each on the couch before we go to bed and we did unspeakable things. 

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