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Proceed with caution. May cause triggers.

When you hear that someone pulls out their hair, most people think it's from stress. However, there is no definite cause of trichotillomania. But stress, anxiety, and insecurity are side effects of trich.

If you are aware that you are pulling when you are then there is usually a struggle. When I pull I tell myself to stop. I yell at myself (in my mind)  and ask why I keep pulling. I tell myself that I'll go bald. But on keep pulling. Many people do this and then can feel disappointed with their lack of control. This can lead to fits of anger and/or crying. You think "I don't want to be bald. Why am I making myself bald. I'm missing my eyebrows now. Why is this happening? Why why why? Why me? Just stop".

The problem is that you can't stop. It isn't that simple. Pulling is very addictive. And what's worse is that it feels good. Like really really good. And the only time it hurts is if you start pulling in a new place. But it doesn't hurt for too long. After about five hairs it feels great. It can feel like a game sometimes. Some people pull to try and get a clear thing on the end of the hair that was in their head. Many people eat the hair they pull or if they don't eat it will put it in their mouth. I don't know why. You can't really understand unless you have Trichotillomania.

And this pleasure from pulling makes it hard to stop. Then the puller gets a bald spot. This bald spot (or lack of eyebrows/eyelashes) causes them to feel insecure about themselves in public. Especially if they are pulling the hair while in public. If there is a bald spot on the head, that spot is sensitive. It gets colder faster and hurts when the water from the shower head hits it. It's really annoying.

Bald spots can be hard to hide depending on where they are. Sometimes you can cover it up with a hat or wig but sometimes it's too hot for that. Depending on the size, you could use a headband. Many people with this problem put makeup on the bald spot to make it less noticeable. Changing your hair style is a great way to hide bald spots too.

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