10. Not Enough Time

Start from the beginning

Tony: eight?

Jayla: yea, it's already been a month. Funny... it doesn't feel like it has been that long

Bruce: looks like the baby will be there before you know it

Steve: (shakes head) please, don't rush it. I have to learn how to be a father before then

Emily: I'm sure everything will work out fine. It did for Anakin

Steve: I sure hope you mean in the alternate universe

Emily: (snorts) trust me, we don't even talk about what really happened to Anakin anymore because this alternate timeline makes it feel like nothing changed... when in reality a lot really did...

Jayla: (groans) ugh, this deep thinking is giving me a headache

Steve: (alarmed) are you feeling okay?

Jayla: I'm fine, Steve. I think I'm just a little tired

Steve: how about you go lay down on the couch, and I'll see if there are any good movies on Netflix we can watch

Jayla: okay

[Jayla has left the chat]

Tony: (surprised) wait a minute! Since when did you get Netflix?!

Natasha: that was my wedding gift for them

Clint: you probably weren't paying attention at the time

Bruce: well, if you guys don't mind, I'll be leaving now to go get the quinjet ready

Natasha: when will you be here?

Bruce: eh, probably late evening

Natasha: okay, I make sure there are dinner leftovers for you. We're planning on shawarma tonight

Bruce: awesome, thanks

[Bruce has left the chat]

Tony: they had a wedding and you got them Netflix. I had a birthday and you guys forgot about it

Emily: when is your birthday?

Tony: May 29th

Clint: we were probably busy at the time

Natasha: hey, Halloween is next month. Maybe we can do something then

Tony: omigosh, you just gave me a genius idea!!

Natasha: and what's that?

Tony: we have a Halloween party here at the tower and everyone dresses up as someone else

Emily: so, like I dress up as Jayla and she dresses like me?

Tony: exactly!

Clint: that is actually a really good idea. Is it okay if we do trick-or-treating for the kids?

Tony: yea, we could make it work. I'm gonna go tell Pepper our ideas

[Tony has left the chat]

Natasha: why does it seem like every time we get on, someone wants to plan something big?

Emily: I don't see how it's a bad thing

Natasha: it's not, but you know I'm not a big socializer

Clint: I gotta go now. Laura needs me

[Clint has left the chat]

Natasha: I better get going too. Gotta buy the shawarma for dinner

Emily: okay, talk to you later

[Natasha has left the chat]

Emily: well, since there is no one to talk to--

[Unknown User has entered the chat]

Emily: (to herself) this had better not be who I think it is. (To the Unknown User) who are you and how did you find this chat?

Unknown User: ...you wouldn't happen to know someone named Steve, would you?

Emily: look, I don't know who you are, but you are not going anywhere near my best friend and her husband

[Emily has left the chat]

Unknown User: (sighs) you disappear for two years and you miss a lot

[Unknown User has left the chat]

Now as far as I know, I don't think Bruce is coming back to the MCU anytime soon, but I wanted to kinda bring him back because he hasn't been around for awhile. Also, I recently realized I had left someone out of the chat for a whole book.... And now I feel bad for not adding the person sooner.

Don't forget to vote/comment.

I have no idea when I'll update next. It depends on schoolwork.
--Emily A. Skywalker

Star Wars Meets Marvel Chatroom: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now