8. Weird Feelings

31 6 0

Date: Aug. 20, 2015

[Anakin and Tony have entered the chat]

Anakin: so, are you ready for your surprise?

Tony: just tell me already!!

[Anakin has invited Bruce to the chat]

Tony: hey, Science Bro!! Where have you been?

Bruce: lying low away from the world, and I still am

Tony: you should really come back to the tower or to the Avengers Base

Bruce: maybe I will at some point. I'm not ready to reenter the world yet

Anakin: I do not understand any of what you are saying

Tony: haven't you ever gone underground away from society before?

Anakin: no, not really. Unless you count going undercover, then yes

[Jayla has entered the chat]

Jayla: hey, Tony. Do you have two bags of barbecue chips and a gallon tub of fudge swirl ice cream?

Tony: (puzzled) ummm...why?

Jayla: Steve and I need it for our date night

Tony: (checks kitchen) let's see...I have the ice cream, but only one bag of chips

Jayla: that's fine. I'll head over now to pick it up

Anakin: that's a weird combination, chips and ice cream

Bruce: some people just like certain things together. I like having coffee-flavored yogurt, mostly because it's like having coffee without the caffeine

Tony: why not just have decaf coffee?

Bruce: I don't want to risk it

Jayla: coffee-flavored yogurt sounds weird, but I'll bet it tastes good

Anakin: sounds disgusting if you ask me. But you wanna know what is weird? Emily eats cheese straight from the block

Jayla: what kind of cheese?

Anakin: I have no idea and I really don't care

Jayla: oh, because I eat colby jack cheese straight from the block all the time

Tony: I'm guessing that is another weird thing you two share

Jayla: trust me, there are so many weird things we share that it isn't even weird for us

Anakin: it's weird for me

Bruce: guys, could we talk about something else? My stress meter is getting a little high

Jayla: sorry, Bruce. (sneaks up behind Tony) So, Tony...

Tony: yea?

Jayla: (taps Tony in the back and covers him in frost) how oblivious are you?

Tony: (turns around) I hate you

Jayla: (giggles uncontrollably)

Tony: do you want your food or not?

Jayla: fine, I'll unfreeze you (unfreezes Tony)

Tony: thank you. Now, take your stuff and leave (hands Jayla the food)

Jayla: okay, see you later. Oh, and don't invite Steve and I to the chat for the next few hours. We won't be available

[Jayla has left the chat]

Anakin: okay, that was really weird for Jayla

Bruce: agreed. I may not have been around in the past few months, but I know that is not normal Jayla behavior

Tony: it's probably a side effect of getting married

Anakin: (annoyed) thanks for making me feel offended

Tony: sorry, I was trying to come up with something funny, but that came out wrong

Bruce: so, have you guys been playing Halo lately?

Anakin: of course!! When are we not playing it?

Tony: right now, but I am so stoked for Halo 5 to come out, even though they got rid of split-screen multiplayer

Anakin: I know, it totally sucks!!

Tony: I'm getting it just so I can play the campaign

Bruce: anything else going on that I have missed?

Anakin: let's see...not really anything big

Tony: yea, it's actually been a pretty quiet summer, which is unusual for us

Anakin: I've had a few mission calls, but nothing major

Bruce: hearing that is making me consider coming back, but I know the quiet won't last long, so it probably isn't worth it

Tony: why not just come back and if things start to get bad, you can just leave again

Bruce: yea, I'll have to think about it. Well, I'm gonna go get some sleep now

[Bruce has left the chat]

Anakin: in the mood to play Halo?

Tony: surprisingly, no. I was thinking about some Dota tonight

Anakin: fine with me

[Tony and Anakin have left the chat]


Finished this chapter while watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. We started watching it a few weeks ago and we're already on the third season. I'm so hooked to it right now.

Don't forget to vote/comment.

There will be two updates next week, but the second one may be a little late because I start school next Tuesday :(

--Emily A. Skywalker

Star Wars Meets Marvel Chatroom: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now