Glory and Gore

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A/N: I thought the story would be really slow and boring if I took things day by day so I decided that there will be mini time skips ever so often for progression purposes. Thirty chapters in still going strong. I decided that I'll post chapters (after this one) Friday-Sunday since I recently just started college. These updates will vary since I will have exams coming up.

Chapter 30: Glory and Gore

Jacob POV:

Four more weeks have passed and Nessie is starting to get rounder pretty much everywhere. I found it completely adorable while she thought she looked like a balloon. She looked about five months pregnant now and she totally was rocking her baby bump. The clothes she ordered online suited her greatly. Two months into the pregnancy and everything was going smooth for the most part. Nessie still had some morning sickness, but a cup of blood usually did the trick. Carlisle suspects that she'll only be pregnant for a couple more months and if we're lucky, a little over than that.

The crib I built would stay in our room while the one we bought online would go in the nursery. Esme did a really good job with the painting and choosing the right curtains. She picked out these nice brown ones that would block out the sun during daylight so it won't interrupt the baby's sleep time. I had a feeling that the baby would be spending a lot of time in our room though.

Today (two o'clock in the morning to be exact) we are packing our bags to take a flight down to La Push. Paul called last night, letting us know that Rachel has been admitted to a hospital in the rez. I heard my dear sister in the middle of a contraction while Paul was giving us all the details. Nessie dialed up her dad's number to tell him about what's going on. This is a time where I'm thankful for a vampire's lack of rest. I zipped up our last bag before I helped Nessie get into her maxi dress. I just slid into some jeans and pulled on one of my T-shirts that I could find. I heard Edward and Bella pull up.

Come on in, bags are by the door. Nessie is using the bathroom.

I knew Edward heard me and he got Nessie's bags in the trunk. Bella went to the kitchen to pour Nessie a glass of blood, we didn't need any morning sickness right now. Nessie let her mother in as I helped Edward put the rest of our bags into the trunk of the Volvo. As I turned around I saw Bella with an arm around Nessie and Nessie with an arm around her jar of Nutella. She never left without it.

"Nessie is a little sick right now, it'll pass." Bella told us as she helped her into the back seat.

I got in the seat next to her and held one of her hands. She gave me her pretty smile as she relaxed instantly to my touch. Edward drove to the Cullen's private airport and Carlisle was there making sure the plane we'd be getting on was in good shape. Once it was all clear, Bella and Carlisle got our bags on board while I helped Nessie get on the plane. I got her one of those sick bags since taking off makes her feel even more nauseated. Bella sat beside Nessie and placed her cool hand on her forehead, I guess that helps keep it in. I sat at the other side of Nessie, near the window and was pleasantly surprised about how comfortable the cushions were. It made the airplane seats I've been on before feel like I've been sitting on concrete. Nessie instinctively held my hand as the plane started to take off. Edward made sure to do it as easy as possible so Nessie wouldn't throw up.

"Jake, can you get me some more blood please?" Nessie asked once we were in the air.

"Sure thing."

I didn't like to see Nessie get sick because I knew I couldn't do anything about it. It usually only lasts for a couple of hours and she'll be fine by the time we got to the rez, but it sucked not being any help to her. Thankfully, she got some sleep during the plane ride and only got sick once. Bella told me that her and Edward would visit Charlie while we were at the hospital with Rachel and Paul. Knowing Paul's spaz ass, he probably asked the entire pack to sit in the waiting room. We'll see how that worked out for everybody.

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