Let it Happen

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A/N: I hope you like some of the baby names in this chapter!

Chapter 29: Let it Happen

Renesmee POV:

I am five weeks along now, practically a month. I looked to be about a little over three months pregnant. As promised, Grandpa Carlisle paid me a visit weekly to measure how much my little peanut is growing. He predicts that this pregnancy will take longer than Mom's but it'll be shorter than an ordinary human's. It's all just a guessing game and even more so since our little peanut won't let us know if it's a boy or a girl. Mom told me they couldn't figure out if I was a girl or not and she just assumed that I was a boy.

I took notice to all the changes to my body like my more frequent naps and tender nipples. Yeah, too much information as Jake likes to tell me. My sweets cravings transitioned to just wanting Nutella on everything I eat. I made the dumb decision to slab it over my rare steak and it resulted in me hunched over the porcelain throne for half an hour. I also found out that I detested the scent of any white meat. Poor Jake will have to deal with the fact that the only fried chicken he'll get for now is at a drive thru restaurant in the city. Maybe once the pregnancy is done and over with I'll make it again.

Dad likes to tease me and say that I'm getting spoiled rotten since I drink donated blood whenever I want and also because I call Mom over sometimes at night to read me to sleep. When Jake and I aren't doing other activities of course. Mom said she didn't mind though and she even let me crawl onto her lap. Jake thought it was funny to see me act like a baby, but a girl needs her mom at this time in her life. I know Mom wished she had her mother to be there for her, but Grandma Esme did her best trying to help Mom.

Alice came by today while Jake was was out running around Alaska. I really liked to see him in his wolf form. She came over to talk to me about stocks and I told her I completely trust her judgement. She'll have us making money in no time.

"Do you want a baby shower, Ness?" she asked me hopefully.

"Well, that would be nice. I don't have anything in the nursery besides the crib Jake built." I shrugged my shoulders, "But make sure Jake's family and brothers get up here."

"Oh, Esme also wants to know how you want the nursery to be decorated."

"I really like the stars and the moon concept she talked to me about." I tapped my chin, "It's gender neutral since my little peanut doesn't want to let us know just what he is."

"Okay, she'll probably call you a bit later. And your package will come in this afternoon." Alice sang.

"Oh good." I grinned as I grabbed my jar of Nutella and some banana chips, "I'm growing a lot so I'll need some clothes to wear besides Jake's T-shirts."

Alice placed her cold hand on my growing bump and smiled, "I can't wait to spoil this little one with shopping trips."

"Only you would Aunt Alice." I rolled my eyes and dunked a banana chip in my Nutella.

"I'm going to look at records with our Uncle Jasper. I'll see you later." she skipped off.

I decided to start making lunch since I knew Jake would probably be starving once he phased back. I settled on making pasta alfredo. Simple, easy and delicious. It made me happy to know that there's a life inside of me that I created with Jacob. I let my peanut know that I love her every single day and Jake does too. We've never been so happy as we are now and I didn't think that was possible.

I recently bought a book online filled with baby names and I've been trying to find names for the baby. I asked Jake if he wanted to help me pick one out once he comes home from his run through the woods. I picked out a few names that I thought he would like and did my best to incorporate family names into it. Hopefully Jake had some ideas too. I heard Jake howl, signaling me that he's home. He always kept a pair of shorts outside of the house so he wouldn't walk around naked. Too risky, especially since Aunt Alice liked to welcome herself into our house. I stirred the Alfredo sauce before turning around to greet Jake.

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