~Chapter Eighteen~ Growing Up

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A/N: This chapter is going to be very short, but I figured it should be included. It's just a little background on Tiquail and Ainnya's past. Short, sweet, and to the point. I know that a lot of you don't really like Ainnya, but as the writer, she's really starting to grow on me. I think that's because I...well created her. I understand my characters and why they do what they do because they're mine. So...maybe if I give you a little bit of background she'll kind of grow on you too?

For some reason I doubt that.

Anyway, here we go!


"Dodge! Tiquail, dodge!" Hibernis, Tiquail's mother, roared.

The little snow leopard slid to the side as Ainnya tried to swipe at her. Hibernis growled in appreciation. "Keep going! Now attack!"

Tiquail threw herself at Ainnya and swiped at her, careful to keep her actual claws in their sheathes. Ainnya flew backward and used the ground as a catapult, throwing her full weight on Tiquail's back. Tiquail collapsed as Ainnya clawed furiously at her back.

"Tiqauil!" Hibernis yelled, her voice frustrated. "You would have lost a life! Maybe two! You have to be quicker than that!"

Ainnya hopped off of Tiquail and shook out her fur. "Sorry," she whispered, "I'll go easy on you next time."

Tiquail sighed. "Don't. My mom will know."

Ainnya shrugged. "Suit yourself." She purred, padding away and setting herself up across from Tiquail once again. Hibernis lashed her tail once and hissed. "Okay, go."

Tiquail and Ainnya ran at each other. Ainnya tried to fly on top of her back again, but this time Tiquail was ready. She slid under Ainnya as she jumped and hooked her claw on her tail. Ainnya yelped as she was sent crashing to the ground. Hibernis yowled her approval while Tiquail hopped on top of Ainnya's back and slashed at her.

"Great job girls!" Hibernis purred as the two cubs walked over to her, their fur ruffled and sticking up in awkward places. Tiquail and Ainnya sat down. Hibernis set herself behind Tiquail and started grooming her ruffled fur, speaking between licks.

"You girls did very well today." She praised. "Mom, get off!" Tiqauil wailed, feeling embarrassed that her mother still fixed her ruffled fur. When I have cubs I won't do this to them! She decided. Or at least, I won't do it if they don't need it!

"I only do it because I love you, dear." Hibernis said fondly, pulling back nonetheless.

Ainnya shook out her own coat, freshly groomed with the cub fluff still on her neck. "You two can go and play." Hibernis said kindly. "Okay!" Tiquail and Ainnya said in unison.

Ainnya led the way down the hill as the two cubs looked for a good place to play.

"One day, I'm going to rule over this place." Ainnya purred, gazing around at Trails fondly. Tiquail's tail curled as she pictured her fluffy little friend ruling over such a big place, fighting the Trackers, giving orders-

"And you're going to be my second-in-command." Ainnya declared, looking back at Tiquail, her eyes dancing with excitement.

"Me?" Tiquail asked, surprised. "Well, of course!"

"But why...me?"
"Why not you?"
"Well, I'm not a very good fighter-"
"You just haven't grown into your paws yet."
"And I'm a little shy-"
"Only because you're determined to be that way."
"I'm not much of a planner-"

"Oh, that can be fixed!"
"What about-"

Ainnya stopped and turned around so suddenly that Tiquail had to dig her claws into the ground to stop herself from tumbling down the side of the hill. "Tiquail," Ainnya started, "you're the only cat I would chose to be my successor."

"You're talking like you're going to die before you're ready." Tiquail growled, widening her eyes.

Ainnya shrugged. "Everyone dies eventually, Tiquail. And when I die as leader, I want to know that I left this beautiful place-" She swept her tail around to indicate the rolling hills, bright white houses, cobblestone paths, and trees dancing in the slight breeze. "-in good paws."

"But-but-" Tiquail sputtered, staring at Ainnya's completely serious eyes.

Ainnya almost smiled. "I know that I'm going to die one day, Tiquail, and I'm sure that I'll be dying as leader. I'm more sure that I'll be leaving knowing you're in control, no one else. Only you."

Tiquail dipped her head, not really sure what else she could say. As Ainnya turned away and continued to trot down the hill, Tiquail vowed something silently in her head.

You won't be dying on my watch, Ainnya. I don't care how selfless you want to be. I'll die before you do.

Paw Prints (Book One in the Trails Series) *BEING EDITED-NEW VERSION WILL BE LONGER*Where stories live. Discover now