Part 2

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Porsche placed her head in her hands. Jas was only 14 and she was already in trouble. She was a terrible mother. Why did she have to turn out like her own mother. It all started when Pete and her mum had come back. Pete.... Porsche shivered. Just his name made her skin crawl. She wished she could just forget the past and move on but everyday was harder than the last. The front door opened from downstairs. In hope that it was Jas, Porsche rushed downstairs.

"What do you think you're doing with him." Porsche huffed loudly. Jas looked confused. "Pete's mums boyfriend... Remember!" She said. Porsche shook her head. "I'm not having it." Pete smiled. "What's up Porsche, it's only me.. Remember. We used to have such fun." Porsche felt sick to her stomach. "Fun." She screamed. "You call what you did to me fun" The room when silent. All the McQueens looked between Pete and Porsche.

Sienna knocked on Nico's bedroom door. "Someone is here to see you." She said soothingly. Nico opened the door. "I don't want to see anyone.." She began. Then she spotted Peri and Leela behind Sienna. A tear rolled down her cheek. "Peri." She sighed and ran into her best friends arms. They both started crying. "I missed you so much." Peri said between sobs. "You too." Nico cried. Sienna smiled at Leela. "Why don't we all go out and grab some dinner?" Sienna suggested. "That sounds great!" Leela replied. "You girls up for it?" She asked Peri and Nico. They both nodded and followed their mums out the door.

Celine opened the door to the dog and went inside, Georgia closely followed. Cameron was sat at a small table tucked away. He stood up quickly as he spotted Celine and Georgia, then slowly walked over. "Hey stranger." He smiled as he pulled Celine into his chest. "This is Georgia." Celine said pulling Georgia closer. "Hey Georgia, I'm Cameron." He said as he put out his hand. "Oh I know all about you." Georgia giggled. Cameron raised his eyebrows and smirked.

"What you going on about Porsche?" Pete chuckled. "Yeah Porsche, what's going on?" John Paul asked. "Him." She screamed pointed a shaky finger at Pete. "You don't know what he's really like...." Her voice cracked. Jas cowered into the corner. "Everyone shut up." Cleo blurted out. Everyone turned around and looked at Cleo in confusion. "Just stop. Pete's a nice guy and he wouldn't hurt a fly." She cried desperately.

Nico, Peri, Sienna and Leela walked into the dog. Leela froze when she saw Cameron with Celine and Georgia. Sienna linked her arm with Leela's and pulled her towards the table where Peri and Nico had sat. "Leela you need to get him out of your head." Sienna said seriously. Leela nodded. "I know, it's just... Hard." Sienna hugged her friend. "I think we need a night out soon." She whispered. Leela smiled. "I think we do."

Porsche shook her head. "Cleo he's poison." Shania and Sophie looked at each other worried. They both stood up and grabbed Porsche's arms. "Let's go get you some drinks." Shania laughed loudly. "Yeah." Sophie agreed. "Just what you need." Porsche frantically tried to get them off her arms but they just dragged her out the front door anyway. "Porsche." Shania said abruptly. "You need to sort yourself out. You can't go shouting about Pete like that." Porsche sighed heavily. "You're right. We need to get him to admit what he did." Sophie shook her head. "It doesn't work like that and you know it." Shania smiled weakly. "You need to get close to him... Again." Porsche knew this had been coming. She didn't like the idea. But it was the only way.

Celine glanced down at her watch. It was nearly 10pm. "I think we should go." She announced. Cameron frowned. "What's the hurry?" He asked. "It's getting late." Celine replied. Cameron leaned over and kissed her passionately. Celine pulled away after a while. "I really need to go." Cameron sighed. "Okay. See you soon. Bye Georgia." Georgia waved goodbye and left with Celine.

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