3rd POV

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“I miss Rosa,” Harry blurted out causing all of their heads to whip in his direction, especially Niall’s.

“Yeah, me too” Zayn agreed.

“I bet  she’s having fun right now,” Louis added.

“Why don’t we go after her?” Zayn suggested.

“No,” Liam said sternly.

“Oh, come on! We still have like, 5 hours left till the concert.” Louis reasoned.

“ How do we even know where to find her?! LA is huge ya know!” Niall said half agreeing with Liam.

“We could always ask Victoria,” Harry said.

“And I’m sure she’ll let us  off  the hook,” he continued.

“And we can use Paul’s SUV, I have the key,” Zayn added with the key in his hand.

“What are we waiting for?!” Louis screamed.


They looked behind them, for there was Victoria, she had heard everything.

“And where do ya think you’re going? ” she raised an eyebrow

‘I told you so!’ Liam mouthed.

“Without knowing where she is!” Victoria smiled. Turns out, she forgot to tell Rosa she would be watching the concert tonight.

They all had smiles on their faces.

“Okay, she texted me a minute ago, she said she  was at Sta. Monica Pier,” she continued.

“Now, go! I’ll tell Paul that Niall got hungry. But you need to be back before 7, concert starts at 7:30” Victoria shooed them out.

They put on really convincing disguises like, sunglasses and hats. *insert sarcasm here*

They loaded into the SUV.

“But can’t we get something to eat, I really am hungry!” Niall pleaded.

“Don’t worry Niall we’ll get you something when we get there,” Liam soothed.

Louis got in the driver’s seat. He is after all, the eldest.

When they got to Sta. Monica Pier, first one out was everyone, except Louis.

“C’mon lads, I wasn’t that  bad” Louis tried to convince himself.

“Yeah, that’s why we almost got pulled up by the police because you were driving too slow, Lou!” Zayn said sarcastically.

“Next time, I’m driving.” Liam declared.

Everyone had their thumbs up except Louis. “fine,”

“FOOD!!!!!” Niall screamed, and then he ran towards the food.

The lads chased after him.

“And the search begins!” Louis shouts.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 04, 2013 ⏰

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