1. "Sherlock"

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I looked out of the car window and saw our empty house. It was gonna be empty for a long time.

“Are ya ready hun?”

I nodded, then the car started to move. We were heading to the ‘studio’ of One Direction and we were gonna stay there for a bit, my mum said. Then we would go to Heathrow. Hop on a plane  to the US.

My mum also said I’d be introduced to the boys, believe me, I tried to make her change her mind but nothing worked.

 I wanted to avoid seeing them once we got there. And if I ever meet him, I’m just gonna pretend that I don’t know him and stay as far away from him as possible.

My mum pulled up to this huge complex.

“This is it ” she breathed

I sighed and got my jacket and put the hood on. We rode on an elevator then she lead me to a door, she opened it and there were like 3 people in there, a lady, I guess in her early 30’s and another intimidating looking man.

“Hello, Paul” my mum greeted the man. So his name was Paul. The woman was carrying the cutest baby I had ever seen! The baby had gorgeous blonde hair and adorable blue eyes. She went over to us.

“Hello, there, baby……”

“Lux, her name’s baby Lux” the woman said with a smile. I took off my hood

“May I hold her?” I asked. She nodded and handed baby Lux to me. Baby Lux giggled.

“Aren’t you the cutest thing I have ever seen?” I cooed as I went and sat on the couch. They were discussing something important, I just went on and played with baby Lux. She was holding a carrot.

“Now, where’d you get that from, huh?”  she giggled again

CARROT! SOMEONE STOLE MY CARROT!!” someone yelled from the other room.

The door burst open, and out came a guy with red pants and a striped shirt. I just stared at him I think he was the one who screamed.

“CARROT!!” he pointed at baby Lux and me. He ran and jumped on the couch but not before I stood up with baby Lux with me. Ha! He missed! He quickly stood up and snatched the carrot from baby Lux’s hands. Baby Lux pouted and started to cry. What the hell is wrong with this person?!

I slapped him on the arm and took the carrot from him and gave it back to baby Lux. She stopped crying. Sudddenly,

“What’s goin’ on in here?” a guy with a shaved head asked

“I heard crying” another person with curly brown hair asked

I sat back on the couch, not minding them. I looked behind them and saw two guys laughing, and one was blonde.

I glared at the on wearing stripes and hugged baby Lux.

“But that’s my carrot!” he protested

“Someone get this guy another carrot!” I yelled at no one.

I stood up and gave baby Lux back to the woman. I noticed the 5 boys stare at me. I looked at my mum ‘be nice’ she mouthed at me.

I smiled at the guy with stripes “Rosa Lynch,”

“Louis ‘the Tommo’ Tomlinson,” we shook hands.

So that was Louis, I don’t really know the guys much, I just know Niall, cuz I hate him more than the others, and Zayn cuz he’s from Pakistan and I don’t hate him as much, the other three just looked the same.

I came to know that Liam was the one who had his hair shaved off, Harry was the one with curly hair, Louis was one with stripes.

“Vas Happenin’?” Zayn greeted, I think.

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked confused.

“nothing,” he grinned. Must be the accent.

I just completely ignored Niall until my mum glared at me and nodded her head towards Niall. I put on the same fake smile as I did everyday when I went to school back in Mullingar.

“Rosa Lynch” we shook hands and I could see recognition in his eyes.

“pleasure,” he smiled.

“So I see you’ve met my lovely daughter, Rosa. I expect you all to get along.” She looked at me

“Oh, I think we’ll get along quite well,”  Zayn smiled cheekily. I bit my lip.

“Wait, whoa! She’s your daughter, Victoria?!” Louis exclaimed

“sherlock” I rolled my eyes.

“Damn, that’s a fine shoulder,” Zayn blurted out looking at me from head to toe. All of them started to laugh and Liam punched Zayn on the arm. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head

“Mum, what the ‘ell are they talking about?”

She just winked at me. What?

“Okay, lads, we wouldn’t want to be late for our fight, would we?” mum said opening the door.

I put my hood on again and followed after her. I never bothered to look back at the boys but they were damn annoying!

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