Olympic Dreams

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Two years ago...

I was 16 sitting up at the local coffee shop in Plymouth study and surfing the web. When the most handsome man walked in. Our eyes met, and he flashed me a bright white smile. I immediately looked back down at my computer screen. 

"Hi, um may I sit here?" He said to me scratching his neck with a smirk on his face

It took me a minute to even comprehend the fact that sombody like him was talking to me.

"Oh, um yeah of course." I said with a smile hoping not to seem too eager to have him there

"So, I'm Tom by the way, Tom Daley"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mattie. Mattie Rodgers." I said with a smile

"Oh crap, I'm not interupting your studying or anything am I?"

"No, no you're fine. I was just finishing up." 

"Oh good, well then can I buy you another drink?" 

"Um yeah, sure. Thank you."

"Hmm, let me guess hot white choclate mocha, with carmel? 

"How'd you know? 

"Lucky guess." He winked and then got up

Wow, is this really happening? Is a cute boy actually talking to me? 

"Here you go Miss Rodgers."

"Thank you Mr. Daley. So are you new here? I've never seen you round before.."

He had a sort of puzzled look on his face 

"No actually, wait you have no idea who I am?"

"No, should I?"

"No, it's great that you don't." He said very smiley like

 "So, exactly how old are you Mr.Daley?"

"Ill be 17 in a few weeks. How about you Miss Mattie?"

"Well, Ill be 17 in about 362 more days"

He laughed and said "Well, happy late birthday blondie"

"Thank you dimples, I'd love to stay and talk, but if I do I might be late to my training, will I see you again?" 

"Of course,  I look foward to it." He flashed me that bright white smile 

"Can't wait."

I stood up and gathered my things, he stood as well. 

"Can I help you with anything"

"Well, it'd be lovely if you could help me get this to my car."

He picked up some of my things and began walking out with me. We got to my car and put everything in the back seat

"You do gymnastics?" Pointing out the leos I had  all over my back seat

"Yeah, I do."

"Wow, thats awesome, maybe you can teach me to do some flips sometime?"

"I'd love too dimples. I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, you sure will. Bye blondie." He kissed my cheek and opened and closed my front door for me.

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