the skeem

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Agreed. We better go.. Why what were busy no guys look! They looked up and saw surfboards it's a surfing competition!! Everyone swam but they forgot Carl then they came back and thought. Should we bring him? He nods we can't leave him here because we will be discovered. They take him and lock him in his own dungeon and go to school because well spring break isn't for forever. Hello dorks. You. Where's my little monster that went to your group? Jenna sheads some tears. She's dead! Casandra shouts leave us alone! How did she die? Your mama! Sure buy really how?! Your mother the queen of sirens! Keep your voice down do you want people to discover us. You wanted people to discover us. I wanted to see if you were mermaids or not. Yeah well we don't care okay!
A girl behind her comes up. Jesse?! Yes it's me this was all our act to capture you all and it worked plus I was with you the whole time! You you didn't die? No stupid do I look dead! You b$tch! Thanks for the compliment. Casandra slaps her so hard she burnt her becaouse of her anger. You.. Ring ring saved by the bell!

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