1. welcome to vegas!

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Things are shaping up to be pretty odd,

Little deaths in musical beds.

So it seems I'm someone I've never met.

You will only hear these elegant crimes,

Fall on your ears from criminal dimes.

They spill unfound from a pretty mouth.


I shakily played with my hands as I waited in the principles office to be took to my class, I was so nervous as I always was with meeting new people. I thought about my old school, the bullies and all of the lunchtimes I spent alone. I could only pray that this school here in Vegas was going to be different.

I heard a cough snapping me out of my thoughts as the principle holds out a time table to me.

"I believe you have maths first, you are just down the hall so go from there and you'll be fine. Room 208." He said before ushering me out. Wow, thanks for all the help...

I walked down the hall of lockers searching for my room when i seen a blonde girl about my height closing her locker and slamming her head agaisnt it. Curiously, I approached her and stood behind her before slowly placing my hand on her shoulder "hey uhm; is everything okay?" I asked stupidly, as it clearly wasn't okay.

"Who are you?" She asked rather abrupt I must say.

"Ryan Ross, I've just moved here from Florida and I need help finding my class and by the looks of it you need someone to talk to?" I said but it came out as more as a question.

"Here let me see," she snatched my time table from my hand and began scanning it. "Mhm, you're in a lot of my lessons. We have maths now come on we don't wanna be late." As she spoke she began to walk ahead of me without even a glance back to see if I was following her.

I finally cought up to this very fast girl and put my hand out infront of her to take it. "Ryan Ross," I said eagerly. She rolled her eyes sheepishly "I know... You already told me." Yep you're not making this easy for me at all. "I know but you never told me YOUR name." I pointed out rather confident and proudly. She stopped and stared me dead in the eye before muttering "chels, my names Chelsea but call my chels." I smiled at the fact she was now speaking to me and also had a pretty nice name.

"So tell me chels, what happened over there at he locker? Something anger you?" I asked rather nosily as we walked.

"Why should I tell you..."

"I don't know, I... I just wanna help." I sighed feeling defeated, there's no way I can win with this girl.

"If you really want to know, my boyfriend... Ex boy friend now, has been cheating on me for the past month with my bestfriend." Ouch.

I didn't know what to say, instead I pulled the sad blonde in for a tight hug as she rested her head on my shoulder and mumbled "he was a really nice guy actually, I think you two would be good friends."

"What? How can he be a nice guy chels he cheated on you!" I spat out louder than I had intended.

"It wasn't his fault, he wasn't in love with me anymore and I knew I should have ended it because he was too nice to, so he carried it on with me whilst seeing her behind my back. My bestfriend who I've known since kintergarden? If I should be angry at anyone, it's her."

My hands had balled into fists by now, as who ever this guy is doesn't deserve forgiveness for hurting someone so innocent? "But he shouldn't have-"

A sinner on the right // Ryden love story.Where stories live. Discover now