Kicked Out

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There I was waiting for summer break. It was only one minute until school was out, BUT Ms. Ginger kept talking to us about some stupid summer camp for senior year. All the other 11th grade classes got to run out in the hall for the last minute of school. " Ms. Ginger! Can we please go out in the hallway?" Claudia Bassett said. Claudia Bassett is one of our class heroes. She always spoke up for us. Even if her hair was standing up blue, ( which did happen to her) she would stand up. " No! All those children out there running around the halls dont have dicipline!" Ms. Ginger said. " Well, at least they have lives! And you Ms. Ginger dont have a life!" Claudia said. Then the bell ringed. "Everybody, get out of my class!" Ms. Ginger said sounding like she was going to cry. " We would love to!" Claudia said sacastically. Like every day I was the last person to leave out of the class, and when i was getting ready to walk out the doo, Ms.Ginger handed me a brochure to the summer camp she was talking about. It turned out that the camp had dancing, singing, technology, basically all the stuff I liked to do. Ms. Ginger said " Salem, I wanted you to have because you are really good at singing and dancing! I thought that maybe you would wanna go!" " Thanks!" I said.

As I walked out the classroom reading the brochure, I ran into the hottest boy in school. His name is Christopher Boshwitz. " Oh sorry I ran into you!" Christopher said. " It's Okay!" I said looking into his light brown eyes. " Isn't your name Salem?" He asked. "Yes!" I said. " Well Salem would you like to go on a date?" He asked. " Sure, where to meet?"I said. " Jerry's Pizza at 8! " He asid walking off. That was the best hour of my life!

I knew that hour wouldn't last. I still had to go home. My parents constantly argue. My dad is like this psycho who hates boys. And my mom is unemployed, which is why they argue. Why wont they just divorce already? As I walked in the living room I saw my dad packing. I thought in my head, yes they are coming a part who am I going with? "Drew, you don't need to do this!" my mom said. " We have no money coming in and we cant even afford anything for our daughter!" My dad said pointing at me. "Well dad im fine with what I have!" I said. "Hush your not making it any better!" my dad said. "Salem, just go to your room!" my mom said. "No mom, i'll just go to my friends house!" I said. " You wont be coming back! I'm kicking you and your mom out!" my dad said. "What? I didn't do anything wrong! I'm only 17!" I said. "Because of your mom you both are leaving!" My dad said. He threw our bags in the yard. Everybody in the neighborhood was watching! "Get out of my house Alice!" My dad said. "ok, ok!" my mom said crying. "What are you guys looking at?" Christopher came running down the street. Everybody went in the house.

"Christopher, what are you doing here?" I said. " Salem, I followed you home and heard your parents arguing!" Christopher said. "You followed me home?" I said in a serious way. "You heard us arguing?" My mother said. "Get out of my yard my father called. All 3 of us ran in the street. "Salem, I want you to move in with me!" Christopher said. TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2013 ⏰

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