Not So Bad After All ~ T.O.P OneShot

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You shoved your way past the mass of sweaty and drunk people. As much you were grateful of GD inviting you here, it was too much to handle. You made your way through the empty 2nd floor hallway to the balcony hoping to get some fresh air and a break from people.

As you pushed open the door, you were greeted with a tall man leaning over the railing,"oh hey y/n"
You immediately recognized this voice,"What are you doing out here Seung hyun (T.O.P)?"
"I should ask the same to you," he said raising an eyebrow.

You froze. Although you had know T.O.P as long as you'd know GD you had never gotten close to him but still managed to develop a crush.
"Aha, it just felt a bit suffocating in there," you said tucking a hair behind your ear.
"Oh, I felt the same way..." He said nodding.

Not knowing how to continue the conversation you approached the rail behind him and gazed at the night sky.

"It's really pretty huh? Sometimes, when I'm feeling overwhelmed at the studio I go outside and just take in everything...Its really helps me see the greater image of everything" he said with a slight smile.
You nodded in agreement," So how is the album going?"
"It's really good, I think GD worked really hard, and that motivated us too...I just really wanted to impress someone with it.."

Although it broke you heart hearing those last lines you put on an act," WHO? TOP DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE?! WHY DIDNT U TELL ME! TELL ME!" You babbled.
He put a hand over your mouth"SHHH!"

You turned red," sorry...I just got excited"
He chuckled in response,"it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure she likes someone else."

You objected," Who would chose someone else over you?!! Your T.O.P super cool and super handsome! I think you might have it all wrong, just tell her your feeling". I instantly regretted that, did you make it too obvious you liked him.

He stood quiet for a while,"I guess your right, I'll call her right now and confess. Could you step out? It's kind of embarrassing," he said scratching the back of his head.

You nodded and walked back to where you came from. Your spirits were crushed.

"Why did I help him?! I'm so stupid!" You scolded yourself as you walked through the hallway. The sound of your phone chirping caught your attention.

"Hello?"you answered.
"Y/N? I have something to tell you. It was you. I love you and I know we're not that close but your personality is so bright that it's hard not to fall in love with," the other line chuckled.
"Yes. Ever since GD introduced you to us, I felt like I needed you with me and wanted to protect you...but if you don't feel the same then it's okay."
"no wait-" you interjected," I feel the same way. I always have too."
You began to make your way back to the balcony. Opening the door you revealed a ecstatic T.O.P smiling from ear to ear.

He pulled you into a hug and whispered into your ear,"I love you."
"I love you too" you beamed as he kisses your forehead.

Maybe this party was not so bad at all.

(A/N:) Yo! Sorry if this is really crappy. I felt bad for not posting anything and really wanted to just get my mind working. (They say to beat writers block just write). So anyway, thanks for reading and request stuff in the comments please! It'd really help! <3

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